Renewed (Awakened #2)

Free Renewed (Awakened #2) by C.N. Watkins

Book: Renewed (Awakened #2) by C.N. Watkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.N. Watkins
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    Kennedy was over the moon excited and ready to go when I called her. She demanded I go shopping with her Monday while Stefan was working. I had no choice but to say yes.
    Stefan cleaned up the kitchen while I went and laid down in bed. I was so exhausted, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I curled under the blankets. I was so tired all the time. This whole pregnancy thing had to improve…soon.
      When I woke up I felt Stefan missing from beside me, a panic rose in my throat. I sat up and looked around the room, no Stefan. I swung the covers off and threw my feet over the side of the bed. His office . I got up and walked over to his office, stopping at the door. As if he sensed my presence, he pulled his head up and looked at me, a small grin dancing on the corners of his mouth.
    “Good afternoon. You in a hurry to see me?” He turned his chair around so that his whole body was facing me. He was still dressed in his just his boxers. He folded his arms across his chest.
      “I guess I forgot that you told me you were in your office.” I stood in the doorway, frozen.
    “Well, maybe we should do something about improving your memory.” He stood to his feet, his hands dropping to his side. “You know, Jennifer. I think I’ve become a little… relaxed with you. I feel like I’ve lost most of my control, and I think it’s time to take some of that back.” He slowly started his short stride towards me while I remained frozen.
    Take control back? When did I ever have any?
    In a half of a second, Stefan was standing in front of me, our bodies close, but not touching. My instincts took over as I reached my hand out to touch his chest, but he quickly caught it with his hand.
    “No touching,” he scolded me. I put my hand down back at my side while we continued to gaze into each other’s eyes. I could see the burning flames of passion in his caramel eyes. He reached out and grazed my jaw bone with his finger. He lightly traced it until his finger met my lips, and I parted them just a little.
    He pushed his finger into my mouth. “Suck,” he commanded. I twirled my tongue around his finger, sucking on it, and a small groan escaped his lips. He pulled his finger out and ran it up my inner thigh. My core tensed as his fingers grazed my panties.
    I planted my hands on both sides of the door frame, trying to stable myself. My eyes closed as my head titled back, letting him possess my body. I felt my lace panties slide down my legs. He tapped my right ankle, so I picked my foot up, letting him slide my panties off my leg. “Shirt.” His eyes were growing dark with lust. I slid my shirt off and tossed it on the ground. I stood there, completely naked, letting him stare at every inch of my body.
    “You are so fucking beautiful.” He reached his hands out and gently pinched my nipples. I was so wet, waiting for him to take me right here and right now, but instead, he lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I let out a small moan as he slipped one finger inside me and started circling it.
    In a moment, he stopped and laid me down on the bed. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before walking over to the dresser. He opened a drawer and grabbed some items before walked back over to me.
    “Do you trust me?” he asked.
    “With my life,” I answered as he slipped a blindfold over my eyes. He picked me up and sat me back down on the bed, my head touching the headboard. He grabbed my wrists and handcuffed them to the bedpost.
    Then he was gone, no longer touching me. I tried to quiet my breathing to listen for him. My heart was pounding in my chest, waiting for his next touch. by Daughtery started blaring from the iPod docking station. I could no longer hear anything he was doing. I became wet with anticipation…wondering what would happen next.
    The bed dipped down, and I felt his hot breath in my ear. “Are you ready to scream my name?”
    I shook my head yes as his finger burned a

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