turned to see Angelina holding the gun that had skidded across the floor after the man Adam had thrown hit the wall. “Angel?” Adam questioned as he dropped the man and turned toward her.
    “I ’m so sorry.” Tears streamed down her face as she raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

Chapter 8
    Caroline sat toward the back of the room watching the Warriors , who occasionally shot her a look, before going back to their discussion, which she couldn’t hear. The doctor warrior, Slade, had come in also. They were magnificent men, vampire or not. The power in the room was almost overwhelming and Caroline could honestly say she had never felt safer in her entire life. Though she wasn’t afraid, even after her ordeal a few weeks ago, the dark man meant her no harm that she could tell. He just had a message and he was becoming more agitated minute by minute.
    “You sure you should be doing this?” A deep voice broke through her thoughts.
    Looking up, way up , Slade stood over her, a frown tilting his lips downward, his eyes searching. “Yes, he means me no harm.”
    “And how do you know this ?” he questioned. “Because he said so?” The frown stayed, but one eyebrow cocked slightly.
    “Yes.” Caroline nodded , feeling like she was under a microscope and this gorgeous man knew her every thought. And wouldn’t that be embarrassing.
    “You are too trusting, Caroline.” Slade shook his head in concern. “After what you just experienced , you may be too vulnerable for this.”
    “I ’m stronger than I look, in both body and mind,” Caroline replied, firmness in her voice. “I made a lot of mistakes in the past—where my gift is concerned— but believe me, I know what I’m doing.”
    Slade simply stared at her for a few more seconds. “It’s against our nature to put a woman in harm’s way, especially when we can’t see the threat.” His frown slowly formed into a lopsided smile. “And I have no doubt you are strong in both body and mind.”
    Caroline almost melted from her chair to the floor . If what Lana said was true and Jill held this Warrior’s heart, she was a very lucky girl. “It would be worse not to deliver the message,” Caroline informed him, trying to keep her tone even. “I’ll be fine, but he is getting more agitated.”
    “Where is she?” Sid walked up, his face pinched in aggravation.
    “Didn ’t we have this conversation already?” Caroline sighed, not wanting to feel sorry for the big Warrior, but she did regardless; damn her soft heart.
    Sid pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh of his own. “Have you at least heard from her?”
    “Yes,” Caroline’s reply was short.
    “And?” Sid frowned down at her.
    “And what?” Caroline glared at him, not backing down.
    “Is she coming back?” Sid slid a n uncomfortable glance at Slade.
    “Why would she do that when you told her to leave?” Caroline snorted, shaking her head. Men. They just didn ’t get it and never would.
    “ I meant the room, not the fucking compound,” Sid growled, growing more frustrated.
    “Don ’t you growl at me, Sid Sinclair.” She stood, pointing her finger at him. Okay, she wasn’t feeling sorry for the ass anymore.
    “I ’m not growling.” Sid lowered his voice and curbed his tone. “I just don’t—”
    “Have a clue.” Caroline finished his sentence. “You have a lot of kissing up to do ; I’ll tell you that. Have you pissed my sister off yet?”
    “Sid pisses everyone off.” Slade laughed and then walked away.
    Sid glared at Slade ’s back before turning his attention back to Caroline. “No, not really. I mean, I’m sure I’ve made her a little upset, but…” Sid frowned when Caroline continued to stare at him with a disbelieving stare. “Okay, I’ve pissed her off more than once, but Sid knows how to make up.” He wagged his eyebrows at her.
    Caroline rolled her eyes with a snort. “Well, this time, you really pissed her off and I’ve seen my sister pissed,

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