but she is really pissed. So you better be ready to step up your game.”
    “Where is she , Caroline?” Sid’s tone indicated he was done with the game. “As soon as we are done here, I’m going to her. I didn’t mean to react like I did, but this has taken us all by surprise and it’s something no one should know about. We don’t even talk about it; we have taken an oath.”
    After a few minutes of staring , Caroline clicked her phone open to double check the message she had gotten from Lana. “She just texted me a little while ago. She’s responding to a 911 call and then going home.”
    Sid was instantly alert. “A 911 call?”
    “Ah , yes.” Caroline put her hand on her hip, her tone irritated. “She is a cop. It’s what she does.”
    “Tell her to answer my texts ,” Sid ordered, but instead of it being an arrogant order, it was a concerned plea and she knew it by the look in his eyes, which were shadowed with worry. These men were proud Warriors, who were not used to asking for anything. Caroline knew without a doubt Sid cared for her sister. If she didn’t believe that, she would have left with her sister. These men cared for many and she would do anything in her power to help them.
    “She won ’t even answer me now, Sid.” Caroline glanced behind her when the door opened. “She turns her sound off on her phone when she’s on the job. She only has her police radio active.”
    “Fuck!” Sid ran his hand through his hair. “Let me know as soon as you hear from her.”
    Caroline nodded, but her attention turned to Sloan who was talking to Slade. She could tell by the look on his face he was angry about something. He really was a handsome man, a little older than the rest. Just his presence alone held an air of authority. Not only did she feel it, but also she noticed how the Warriors reacted to him. Where they were on edge before he had arrived, now they seemed to be alert, as if awaiting orders. When his eyes lifted to meet hers, her stomach clinched as a flush from her neck to her face heated her skin. His golden eyes seemed to see straight through her, but just as quickly, he dismissed her.
    “What the hell is going on?” Sloan demanded, walking away from Slade, and then slamming a newspaper on his desk. His golden eyes took in each Warrior. “I’m gone for a few hours and my phone starts going crazy, but no one tells me what the hell is going on, except to get here ASAP.”
    Duncan glanced her way quickly and then back at Sloan. “We seem to have a problem.”
    “Well , the fifty texts I got from all of you clearly makes that obvious,” Sloan replied and waited. “Though I’m still in the dark as to what the fucking problem is.”
    Caroline cleared her throat and walked from the back of the room, squeezed past Damon and Jared to stand in front of Sloan. “I have a message for you. For all of you.”
    Sloan stared down at her, his eyebrow cocked over his golden eye, a small tick played with his strong jawbone. “Is that so?” His tone was level, but hinted disbelief. “Ms. Fitzpatrick —”
    “Caroline ,” she interrupted. Being called Ms. Fitzpatrick at that moment irritated her, and she wasn’t afraid to express it. “I don’t care if you believe in what I do or not, but I will deliver this message so he will leave me and my sister alone. So, if you are ready, we will begin.”
    The tick quickened as his full lips curved into a respectful smirk. “I am sorry, but it ’s hard for me to believe that you have a message for me from anyone in my past.”
    “Said the vampire to the medium.” Caroline smirked back. “As I said, it matters very little to me if you believe me or not. I will deliver the message and be done with it. What you believe or disbelieve or do with the message is entirely on you.”
    “This is real ,” Jared stepped in. “Lana gave me a message from my brother. Even talked in our language, which she doesn’t know.”
    Sloan hadn ’t looked away from

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