Blood-Kissed Sky (Darkness Before Dawn)

Free Blood-Kissed Sky (Darkness Before Dawn) by J. A. London

Book: Blood-Kissed Sky (Darkness Before Dawn) by J. A. London Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. A. London
have the stuffed bear and dog sitting on a shelf in my bedroom.
    “All right, all right,” the carny says. “You’ve won enough; let someone else give it a shot.”
    Handing back the mallet, Michael collects an armful of furry toys. I don’t see any pride or satisfaction on his face, and I wonder if he simply was taking out some of his frustration regarding Sin. Or even me.
    As he starts giving his prizes to the little kids surrounding him, Tegan skips over to claim the one she wants. He grins at her. His bruises have faded a little more, and now he’s sporting a soft cast on his wrist. His gaze shifts past her to me. Growing serious, he finishes handing out his bounty.
    “That’s all I’ve got,” he says, and the kids scamper away.
    “You’re a hero,” I tell him as I approach.
    “Don’t worry, I’ll be the villain tomorrow.” He shoves his hands into his jeans’ pockets.
    A heavy silence falls. It never used to be this way. We grew up together, spent so much time together. So many of my good memories contain Michael. I hate this distance that separates us now.
    “So …” Tegan says, breaking into the awkwardness that exists between us. “Why don’t we ride the carousel?”
    “I’ve got some stuff to do,” Michael says. “Have fun.”
    “Like what?” Tegan demands.
    “Yeah, right. Come with us,” she urges, and I know she’s trying to rebuild a crumbling bridge. “I mean, you’re not here with anyone, are you?”
    “No. Just me.”
    “Then hang around with us. At least for the carousel.”
    He looks at her, then me.
    “It’ll be fun,” I say. Like old times. Although I know that’s not true. I’m not sure we’ll ever be completely comfortable with each other again.
    “Okay, sure, why not?” he asks. “Let’s go.”
    As though knowing that Michael and I need a few minutes, Tegan charges ahead of us, and I can feel the tension surrounding us growing thicker. I know I have to say something. I have to use this moment to explain.
    “Michael, listen, about Victor. I was going to tell you about him. That night. Hell Night. After the party.”
    “And what were you going to say? That you were serving as his blood diva?”
    “No,” I snap, then reel in my anger. I hurt him. I can’t expect him to be happy about all this. “He never saw me as a source of blood.” Until death was coming for him, but I’m not going to tell Michael that. “We … I care about him. But I care about you, too. I want us to be—”
    “Don’t you dare say friends.” He stops walking and faces me. “He’s a vampire, Dawn.”
    I realize Michael is struggling with that fact. Maybe it would have been easier for him if I’d fallen for another guy from school.
    “Yeah, I know. Who would have ever thought—me and a vampire, right?”
    “It’s not funny.”
    “I’m not laughing. And I understand that you’re angry and need time. Just don’t shut me out. And don’t tell Tegan, but you’ve always been my best friend.”
    He tightens his jaw, shakes his head. “I hate the F-word.”
    “Hey, come on, guys!” Tegan yells, interrupting us. “It’s getting ready to start.”
    We hurry over and follow the next group of riders as they’re being loaded on. When I step onto the wobbly platform, I quickly claim a horse. Tegan takes the one beside it. Grabbing a pole, Michael stands between us.
    The ride starts and we begin slowly revolving, the entire fairground moving past us in a soft blur, like so much of my life lately. I can’t remember the last time that everything seemed sharp and uncomplicated.
    I glance over at Tegan. Clutching her stuffed cat, she’s wearing a small smile and her eyes are closed. Michael grins at her, then his gaze clashes with mine. It’s hard being with him like this. The music spilling from the speakers is loud, trapped beneath the canopy. It doesn’t provide the best backdrop for conversation, but watching Michael saddens me. He meant so much to me for so

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