Summer Rush

Free Summer Rush by Ashley Wilcox

Book: Summer Rush by Ashley Wilcox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Wilcox
Tags: General Fiction
three tier brick patio and an infinity pool with a hot tub cascading into it. Why you need a pool when you live on the ocean is beyond me, but I guess when you have this much money, who cares ? Joey grabs our surfboards, and hangs them on a rack next to the outdoor shower. I’ve always wanted one of those; I have to resort to the outside hose to spray the sand off myself before entering the house. Grabbing my hand again, which I’m beginning to really like , he runs up the back steps, past the outdoor kitchen, and through the sliding glass door.
    “Jesus, it’s like a monsoon out there,” he says once we step inside.
    Being a little overwhelmed with this house and the fact that it’s not even his real home, but his vacation home, I softly respond, “Right?” while staring at the ground.
    “Hey, what’s wrong?” Joey asks, lifting my chin with his finger.
    Shaking my head no, I respond, “it’s nothing…really,” and give him a half smile.
    “There’s something bothering you…tell me.”
    Looking at him, his eyes so warm and his smile so innocent, I wonder how I ever imagined he was a horrid person. I need to know what happened; why the transformation?
    “What happened?” I ask quietly.
    He looks at me, confused.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Last summer. You were... different. You carried yourself differently.” I try to explain it as nicely as possible.
    “You mean, why was I such a drunk asshole last summer, and now I’m not?”
    Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.
    Nodding my head yes, he lets out an apprehensive sigh and rubs his face. “Hope, last summer...well actually the last few years, but especially last summer, I did a lot of things I’m not proud of. I drank a lot, partied a lot, thought I was above everyone else–including the law.”
    My eyes open like a deer in headlights, surprised by his reference of being above the law. He closes his eyes, clearly pained to be admitting this. “God, I hope you don’t hate me after hearing this, Hope,” he sighs, dropping his chin to his chest.
    “Look, whatever happened has clearly had a positive effect on you. You are nothing like the person I met last summer,” I softly say, resting my hand on his shoulder.
    Looking from my hand to my face he says, “I regret everything. I wish I could take back what I did, how I acted, how I treated you...” He cups my face with his hand.
    “It’s okay,” I whisper, although it really wasn’t; he was an ass to me last summer. But ass and all, I still developed feelings for him.
    “No, it’s not, Hope!” Joey says in an angry tone, removing his hand from my face and fisting them at his side. “You are a nice girl, amazing actually. I had feelings for you immediately, but the way I treated you and the way I went about it…that’s just not okay. I don’t even know why you’re standing here with me right now!”
    “No, it’s true,” he cuts me off, holding up his hand to stop me. “I was awful to you and pissed that you weren’t feeding into my bullshit lines. So the last time I was in to see you I left the restaurant, annoyed, and partied hard and…”
    “Just stop!” I interrupt him. “You made a mistake. You learned from your mistake, and you’re a better person because of it. That’s all that matters.”
    I forcefully hold his cheeks with my hands, making him listen to me. I’m not going to stand here and listen to him beat himself up, emotional over a mistake he made that I’m sure he has already paid for. The transformation he has made because of it is amazing, and that’s all I care about.
    Staring me down with eager eyes he pushes his lips against mine, holding my face to his with such force that I couldn’t get away if I tried, which I’m not. His full lips press harder against mine, sending a flood of hunger through my veins. The warmth of his hands leaves me weak in the knees, melting me under his touch.
    With just one kiss, I’m at the mercy of this

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