
Free 9781631050275TheirPerfectMatchMarshNC by Alela Marsh

Book: 9781631050275TheirPerfectMatchMarshNC by Alela Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alela Marsh
around the deserted office with a raised brow. “What about your lunch break?”
    “I don’t mind grabbing something later. Meanwhile. I can catch up on my work. I need to plan some more advertising and answer my emails.”
    She’d assumed he was about to excuse himself and follow the others out so she could get to it, but instead he slid his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels in a casual pose she found amazingly sexy. “You know, I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed a little down before. You know, when those two were gloating about their hot lunch dates. Nice of you to give them extra time.”
    “I don’t mind if they go out for lunch. I just hope they don’t have too much wine.” Molly attempted a carefree smile, but it wasn’t the least bit convincing and she knew it.
    “Come out for lunch with me,” Zane suddenly asked.
    “What? How can I? I mean…there’ll be no one here in case a client shows up.”
    “Simple. Your phones take messages, right? Just put a sign on the door that you’ll reopen at 1:30. That gives us an hour and a half. Why should you get less time to eat than your employees? Take your executive privilege.”
    Molly consulted the date book lying open on Brenda’s desk. “Well, I don’t seem to have any appointments…”
    “Done. Come on, then.”
    “Okay,” Molly said, relenting. In some ways, Zane had a point. She needed lunch, and she had as much of a right as Brenda and Todd to enjoy an hour off and unwind a bit. She tugged her jacket off the rack by the door. “There’s a deli on the corner. I guess we could grab a quick sandwich there.”
    Zane shook his head as he took the coat from her and held it for her to slip into. She saw his face cloud over as though he were thinking something through. “Actually, I have someplace special in mind.” As they moved toward the door, his hand drifted away from his hip pocket and found its way to her back instead. Molly’s pulse rate jumped a few points above normal. “We can even walk there—if you don’t mind roughing it for a few blocks.”
    “I don’t.” Molly glanced with dismay at her shoes. The heels were a good inch higher than she normally wore—another misguided attempt to jazz up her “best friend” image. Well, she’d just have to grimace and bear it. And try not to pitch flat on her face in front of Zane.
    “That’s good. I like to walk. This way we won’t have to bother with meters or traffic jams. When I know where I’m going, I don’t like things that to slow me down.”
    “I got that feeling.”
    They walked along, the April breeze gusting cool against her face and giving her an excuse to keep her head down and watch him discreetly. Zane’s reactions to her were proving difficult to get a handle on. Was she imagining the flicker of interest she saw in his face whenever he glanced over at her, or was he just sizing her up professionally? After all, a thousand dollars probably represented a sizable investment for an ex-sailor. And what could be a more important investment than a lover, a life partner? He had every right to make her earn his trust before committing to Lovelines, especially after the way she’d acted on Friday. She was still wondering how to apologize for that little freak-out. “It had been a long day” seemed woefully inadequate, even if it was more or less the truth.
    “Is that a private charter, or can anyone board?” His voice intruded on her thoughts like the slow trickle of thick, sweet chocolate syrup over ice cream.
    Startled from her thoughts, she turned and blinked up at him. “Excuse me?”
    “That flight of fancy you’re on. Its wheels were just about to leave the runway, to judge by your expression. I was hoping you had room for one more.”
    “I—I was just thinking about some conversations I need to have after lunch.”
    “Ah.” They came to a crosswalk, and Molly waited beside him in uneasy silence until the walk signal buzzed. Zane

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