The Game

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Book: The Game by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic
    This was like an intricate game. “Okay…Sir.” I shivered. The word was foreign on my
    “Not okay , but yes , Sir.”
    I licked my lips. “Yes, Sir,” I whispered.
    “Good girl.” He kissed my lips briefly. “Do you know how hard my cock is, Cheyenne?”
    “You could show me,” I teased.
    He chuckled. “Wouldn’t you like that?”
    “Yes, what?”
    “Yes, Sir,” I amended.
    “That’s better. I like the way it sounds coming off your lips.”
    “I heard Amy call Cade Sir earlier.”
    “Yes. He’s a pretty firm Dom himself. From what I hear, she gives him a run for his
     money, but he puts her in her place.”
    “She said she enjoys spanking and he stopped using it for punishment. I can’t even
     wrap my head around that idea.”
    “You will.” He danced his fingertips down my chest, teasing my nipples.
    I clenched my butt cheeks together at the thought of him hitting me. “How do you know?
     What if I hate it?”
    “I can read you well.”
    “What if I’m not submissive enough?”
    He chuckled again. “You’re so submissive. There’s no chance it isn’t enough.”
    I shivered. “Then why not just sleep with me?”
    Riley smoothed both hands down to my thighs. “I’m not the one who needs to be sure.
     You are.”
    I blinked. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
    “Oh, I know you want my cock inside you. What I need is for you to be certain you
     can give it up to me on a daily basis without warning and through submission. I’m
     not the one with doubts. You are. You’re thinking if you play your cards right, I’ll
     fuck you. But it won’t work that way. When I’m certain you know you’re mine and you’re
     willing to give up your free will to me in the bedroom, then I’ll take you. Not before.”
    “Just in the bedroom? We aren’t in the bedroom now,” I taunted.
    “What about the front porch? The car? The back of the movie theater? How far does
     your bedroom extend?”
    He grinned wide. “Baby, my bedroom extends to wherever we want. I’m a good judge of
     what you’re able to handle. Trust me.”
    “Make me.” I had no idea why I blurted that out, but as soon as the words left my
     mouth, Riley’s face grew sober. He took my hand and turned around, leading me from
     the room, down the hall, and through the second door on the left.
    I glanced around, realizing this had to be his bedroom. I sucked in a breath when
     I saw the king-sized bed. Wide slats on both ends of the missionary-style bed spoke
     to their possible uses. I flinched and rubbed my wrists.
    “Lie down on the bed sideways, Cheyenne. And spread your legs wide for me. I want
     a good view of your pussy.”
    I climbed onto the mattress, shaking like a leaf. His dirty talk pushed the edges
     of my sanity, shocking me while driving me wild with need. I lay down on my back,
     drew my knees up to my chest, and spread them open.
    “Good girl. I like how you obey me without pause. That will earn you a reward. Now
     hold your knees high and wide with your hands, baby. Open.”
    He knew exactly what he was doing. I had no doubt. At this point, a slight breeze
     could set me off.
    Riley stepped closer. His gaze landed on my pussy. No one had ever scrutinized me
     like that. The two men I’d slept with years ago had been more like boys. The first
     one, Jacob, had been a virgin also. We’d floundered together, the experience a total
     fail. The second man I’d slept with had only cared about himself and getting his own
     rocks off. The moment he came, he was done. Neither man had left me wishing for another
    Until I met Riley, I had very little interest in having sex with anyone else.
    Now I was literally shaking under the gaze of a man I knew could fulfill any fantasy
     I’d ever had…and then some.
    Riley set one finger on my thigh and stroked it toward my center.
    I bit my lower lip, pleading silently for him to touch my clit.

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