The Game

Free The Game by Becca Jameson

Book: The Game by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic
managed to obey him somehow, grabbing one wrist with my other hand.
    “Shoulders back. Breasts high.”
    I held my breath as I did his bidding.
    “So fucking sexy. You have the most perfect breasts I’ve ever seen.” He reached out
     and flicked one nipple.
    I flinched as it jumped to attention.
    “And so responsive.” His fingers danced down my belly toward my pussy. “Did Amy buy
     you this thong too?”
    He smirked. “Then you aren’t particularly attached to it?”
    “No…” What did he have in mind?
    He slipped one finger slowly under the thin lace on one hip and tugged hard. The thong
     broke easily. He collected it in his hand and brought it to his nose, inhaling long
     and slow. “You smell delicious.”
    I nearly died. No man had ever so blatantly brought my panties to his face. Heat crept
     up my cheeks.
    “Spread your legs wider.”
    I stepped out, though it was difficult. I was concerned about the ability to remain
     upright again.
    “Are you wet for me?”
    “May I check?”
    I wanted nothing more. “Please.” My pussy clenched in anticipation.
    Riley made no move to touch my sex, however. Instead he circled me again and stood
     behind me. Had he only been asking out of curiosity? Did he know the question made
     me even hornier?
    “Your ass is so fine.” He cupped the globes and massaged them. Just as quickly, he
     released me and rounded back to the front.
    He blew on my nipples until they stood at attention once more.
    The wetness between my legs was out of control. I was going to come without any contact
     if he kept this up. Maybe I was indeed incredibly submissive. The concept was still
     foreign to me. “Touch me.”
    “When I’m ready. Not when you ask.” He lifted his gaze. “Submit to me. Give me the
     control, Cheyenne. Then you won’t have to make requests. Turn over the reins. You
     already know how good it will be, don’t you, baby?”
    “Yes.” He was right. I’d never been so fucking horny.
    “It gets so much better.”
    “Why what?”
    “Why do you want to dominate me?”
    “Because I love the way you look when you’re so needy you can hardly stand up. I love
     knowing I’ve made your pussy so wet it’s leaking down your legs. I love the flush
     across your chest and the sharp points of your nipples from my words alone.”
    Was that what submission was all about? Because I was on board for all of that.
    “BDSM is all about power. It’s really simple. When we play, I want you to give your
     power to me. Submission is very misunderstood. The Dom doesn’t hold the power. The
     sub does. You have to give it to me. I can’t take it. If you don’t hand over the power
     willingly, that’s a different game altogether. I’m asking you to give me that control.”
    “All the time?” I licked my dry lips.
    “No. Only within the time periods we agree to.”
    I could do that. It was possible. Or at least the results would be something I couldn’t
     give up if I wanted to.
    “Don’t think too hard. You aren’t making a decision tonight. I just want to play with
     you. Give you a taste. Let you think on it.”
    “I need you to make love to me.”
    He leaned down and kissed my nipples, one at a time. “I know. And I’m not going to
     fuck you tonight, baby.”
    I flinched. Was he for real?
    “It would kill me if I slid into your pussy and then you changed your mind. I can’t
     do it. And I won’t. I’m going to rock your world as if I had though.”
    Oh. My. God .
    “Submit to me.”
    Wasn’t I?
    “Submit to me, Cheyenne. Give up your control. Let me show you what it’s like.”
    “I won’t leave any permanent marks on your body. You have my word. Let me take you
     someplace you’ve never dreamed of.”
    “Okay,” I repeated. I was naked in the living room of the man I’d lusted after for
     six months. It wasn’t like I could deny him anything.
    “When we play, I want you to call me

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