The Game

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Book: The Game by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic
Anywhere really.
    “You’re so wet, baby.” He grazed his finger through my folds, making me arch my ass
     off the bed in response. “Stay still. Let me explore.”
    “Riley…” I purred his name.
    He lifted his finger. It glistened with my juices. And then he sucked it into his
     mouth and moaned. “Delicious.” His gaze met mine. “Let me shave you.”
    “What?” My eyes bugged out.
    “Let me shave you, Cheyenne. I love the look and feel of a smooth pussy. I promise
     you’ll love it too. The bare skin leaves you feeling exposed. It will ensure you think
     of me often when we aren’t together.”
    I wanted him to make love to me.
    He wanted to shave me?
    He grinned. “I promise it will drive you wild.”
    I licked my dry lips and continued to stare at him. My hands shook where they held
     my legs open. I’d never shaved down there. I trimmed, but I had never taken a razor
     to my sensitive skin. How could I let someone else do it?
    Was he testing me?
    It was just hair. Who cared?
    Finally, I nodded. “Okay.” My voice was small and squeaky. I was freaked out.
    Riley turned and left the room. I released the grip on my thighs and let them lie
     parted on the bed. My nipples hardened further as the air circulating in the room
     brushed over them. I crossed my arms over my chest and squeezed my breasts against
     my body. The pressure eased some of my tension and left me feeling slightly less exposed.
    Riley returned. “Arms above your head,” he commanded. “Don’t cover yourself.”
    I tentatively released my breasts and lifted my hands toward the headboard. My chest
     rose with the action. I thought I would faint under his gaze.
    He set several items on the bed and then tapped my hip. “Lift up a little, baby. Let
     me slide this towel under you.”
    I dug my heels into the bed and lifted. As I settled back down, Riley squirted a glob
     of shaving cream on his palm.
    “I’m not sure…”
    He met my gaze. “That’s the entire point. I’m sure. Let yourself relax into my care.”
    I swallowed and closed my eyes.
    The second his hand landed on my pussy, I moaned. I was going to come. There was no
     way he could possibly shave me without making me come. And that idea embarrassed me.
    “Stay still, baby.” His fingers stroked through my hair, spreading the shaving cream
     around. “I know you’re aroused. Control the need. Let me work.”
    My entire body went rigid as he pressed my legs open wider, my knees bent at an angle
     that left me too exposed.
    “Don’t move. I don’t want to nick your skin.” He held me steady with one hand, pulling
     my skin tight. With the other hand, he dragged the razor over my mound.
    I held my breath.
    Every stroke across my skin left me more naked.
    Riley worked in silence from top to bottom. By the time he was done, I was a ball
     of need ready to explode. The only thing that kept me from coming was his avoidance
     of my clit. He didn’t touch the bundle of nerves until he was completely finished,
     and then only to clean me up with a warm, wet cloth.
    I moaned as he wiped my skin of the last of the shaving cream. The air in the room
     hit my freshly bared skin and caused my clit to jump to attention.
    Riley set his tools aside, wrapped in the towel, and danced his fingers over my nudity.
     “So soft. So unbelievably sexy.” He tapped the hood of my clit, making me jump. “So
     responsive. Now you really deserve a reward. I’m so proud of you.” Before I knew what
     he had planned, his mouth descended. Instantly his lips were wrapped around my pussy,
     sucking, licking, teasing.
    My hands shot forward to press against his head. It was too much. I was too sensitive.
     Or perhaps I was just shocked. No man had ever gone down on me. Hell, I hadn’t ever
     given a blow job either.
    Riley ignored my hands threaded into his hair and gripped my thighs, holding them
     wider, pinning me to the bed.
    I squirmed to escape his mouth, mortified at the way he moaned

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