The Heresy Within

Free The Heresy Within by Rob J. Hayes

Book: The Heresy Within by Rob J. Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob J. Hayes
Tags: Fantasy
Thanquil demanded of one of the most powerful men in Sarth. He threw the entire strength of his own compulsion along with the question. It felt like trying to break down a door with a sponge. The Emperor turned and smiled.
    “I'm sorry to do that to you but I had to make sure. Ask your question.”
    Thanquil sighed, he felt tired, exhausted even but determined not to show it. “Are you really Volmar reborn? Are you really our God in human form?”
    “The Inquisition, the council of Inquisitors has declared I am.”
    “I didn't ask what the council has declared,” Thanquil said, determined to get his answer.
    “Does it matter I wonder? If I say I am Volmar reborn would you believe me? How would I prove such a thing?”
    Thanquil thought about it, came up blank. “So you won't answer.”
    “My answer is this, Arbiter Darkheart. It doesn't matter if the council says I am Volmar. It doesn't matter if I say I am Volmar. What matters is whether or not you believe I am Volmar.”
    “Well I imagine a God would speak in such riddles,” Thanquil said and the Emperor burst into laughter that even made Thanquil smile.
    “I believe the Inquisition has been infiltrated, Thanquil,” the Emperor said, his voice solemn. It didn't go unnoticed by Thanquil that they were now on first name terms.
    “I'm not sure I understand, your majesty.”
    “Evil, heresy, dark magics, maybe even demons. Who knows?”
    “Demons are gone from this world,” Thanquil pointed out. “Volmar saw to that when he first created the Inquisition so many thousands of years ago.”
    “Two thousand four hundred and ninety years ago to be exact but demons are not gone. Not all of them. In any case I believe the Inquisition has been infiltrated, a part of it corrupted and I believe the culprit to be sitting on the council.”
    That was more than just an accusation. From anyone else it would be considered heresy but could the man the Inquisition had decreed to be their own God reborn be capable of heresy? The very idea of it made Thanquil's head hurt despite the charm he wore around his neck to prevent such maladies.
    “That is...” Thanquil searched for the right word, “an incredible accusation, your majesty.”
    “It's not an accusation. For an accusation I would need proof.”
    “Which, of course, you don't have.”
    The Emperor nodded, his bright blue eyes seeming darker and worried. Thanquil paced, mindless of the company, as he considered what to do. Should he confess the Emperor's accusation to the council? It would be the wisest of things to do but what if the Emperor was right?
    “I want you to find me proof, Arbiter.”
    “Hah! I'll just go and interrogate all twelve members of the council then.” Thanquil stopped himself from saying more. “Sorry, your majesty. I have neither the right nor the power to question to the council, perhaps if you...”
    “The Emperor of Sarth cannot be seen to distrust the Inquisition. To do so would undermine its power throughout the world. I need you to go and find proof, discretely, and bring it back to me so I can make a move to put a stop to this.”
    “Why me?” Thanquil asked. “Half of the Inquisition seems to think I'm guilty of heresy myself.”
    “That's exactly why I've chosen you, Thanquil. You're considered an outsider, you go where you please and you're known for... sometimes travelling off the beaten path.”
    Thanquil rolled it around his head. It was a no win situation for him. If he turned the request down and the Emperor was right than the entire Inquisition could well be destroyed from the inside. If he agreed to the request the best that could happen was he would save the Inquisition and be punished for going outside of the Inquisition’s rules to do so, the worst that could happen involved him being tried for heresy himself.
    “Because I'm expendable,” Thanquil mused to himself. The God-Emperor didn't deny it, just looked away. As much a confirmation as ever Thanquil had

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