
Free Moonshine by Rob Thurman

Book: Moonshine by Rob Thurman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Thurman
casually. "All that restrained passion and lust in the air is bad for my sinuses. And George is just a kid. You'd scar her for life." I popped the glass container in and twisted the dial, relying on good old cancer-causing waves to zap the food fungus free. "Hey, here's a thought. Call me crazy, but why don't you tell Promise it's a date—a real live date for grown-up boys and girls who are so horny they can't stand it?" The microwave pinged and I finished with a shrug and a wave of my hand. "Like I said, just a thought." The fungus was still there, only now brown and singed. Joy.
    "Georgina is two years younger than you, Cal. That hardly makes her a little girl in pigtails." He handed me a fork with a challenging quirk of his lips. "As for passion and lust, what makes you so sure it's that restrained?"
    He had me there. I dumped the fork and the dish in the sink and then gave him a good once-over. I'd said at the carnival that he'd become unbearable since he'd been getting some, but I hadn't really believed it. Well, the unbearable part I believed, in spades. But the other? Furrowing my brow, I tilted my head, then shook it. "Nope. I stand by my original assessment. Restrained lust, all the way." I held my thumb and forefinger about half an inch apart. "You're almost there, which is why you're so goddamn happy all the time." I looked at him again,
ed under my breath, and moved my fingers a little bit farther apart. "Almost, but just not quite. Maybe Goodfellow could give you some lessons."
    Now he was annoyed, which meant my work was done for the day. "Do you really wish to go there, little brother?"
    I had a thousand and one sensitive spots, some reasonable… some not so much. Nik, however, had only a few. Robin's past jones for him being an extremely humorous one. Humorous for me at any rate. "Nah, that's okay." I returned to the fridge. "I'm too hungry to get my ass kicked right now. When you see Promise, bring her up to speed." A thought hitting me, I stood and draped myself over the top of the refrigerator door. "Oh, and tell her I suck at poker. So she better draw up some subcontractor fees, because Goodfellow isn't going to come cheap." I waggled my eyebrows. "Although you could maybe bargain him down. You know, with your studly body."
    Hungry or not, I ended up with an ass kicking to my name anyway. It was all in good fun. Good black -and-blue fun, but more important, Niko had forgotten the entire George issue. At least I was hoping he had.
    As a further diversion, I told him I'd put a call in to Robin and see if he was up for a little undercover work in case we decided to take the assignment. And as there were three or four reasons we shouldn't as opposed to fifty thousand why we should, I had a feeling how the decision was going to go. Cerberus might not be who I'd want carrying my slippers and bringing me the paper, but was he worse than any of the other Kin? There was only one way to find out. Take his money and check out this Boaz. The worst we would be out was a little time, and that we'd be well compensated for.
    "How do you know that Goodfellow even plays poker?"
    I commented in disbelief, "You're shitting me, right?"
    "In retrospect, not the most astute question, I admit," Niko sighed. "Well, he is an excellent fighter… when he wants to be. Since you seem to be under the impression Georgina is still in diapers, why don't you and Robin meet Promise and I for dinner? We can discuss all of this then."
    "And after?" I grinned.
    "You and Robin go home, before dessert, politely minding your own business." And from the iron in his voice, I knew that was probably exactly the way it would be.
    "Do I play poker? He really asked if I played poker? Hermes save me." Robin was on his seventh glass of wine and was still sober as a judge, the non-Southern variety. After thousands of years of good living, his tolerance was legendary, though the waiters at the dim sum place we'd stopped at in Chinatown were clearly

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