Leave a Candle Burning
“I know it won’t be easy being single and balancing your work, but whatever savings Grant and Annie had will go to Corina, and that includes her care. You take her. Make her your own. Make her forget how hurt she is now.”
    Dannan shook his head a little. The thought was not abhorrent to him at all, but the words had come tumbling out of his father’s mouth so swiftly, and he was low on sleep. He looked to his uncle to find that man in calm agreement. It was written all over him.
    “You talked about this before I came?” Dannan asked.
    “Actually not,” Doc MacKay answered. “But it’s like Jath said—we hadn’t seen her with you. Young as she is, she would adjust to living with the three of us in North Carolina, but why add more trauma than she’s already experienced?”
    “Now, Dannan,” his father continued. “We hate the thought of trying to talk you into this. We want to hear what you have to say. If you don’t like the idea, you must say so.”
    “I don’t like the idea of Grant and Annie being gone. About the only thing that makes that bearable is having Corina, but that doesn’t change the immensity of the undertaking. As you mentioned, I am single.”
    Jathan had thought there would be more resistance. He’d half-expected to have to talk his son into the idea. When that didn’t happen, some of the wind went out of his sails. He glanced at his brother and saw that he had expected the same thing.
    “What can we do for you?” Doc MacKay asked. “Maybe I should return to Tucker Mills for a time. Help you settle in.”
    “No,” Dannan said quietly. “I mean, I’d love to have you, but then it’s goodbye all over again for Corina.”
    When it stayed quiet for a bit longer, Dannan realized he missed his mother. He would love to hear her calm logic on all of this but didn’t think such a trip was a very good idea right now.
    “How’s Mom?” Dannan asked, not having had time to even think of her before.
    “Crushed not to be here but praying constantly.”
    The words made Dannan want to cry.
    “Corina and I will come when we can. Just as soon as it seems right, we’ll come down for a nice long stay.”
    It was time for the older men to grow emotional. Neither one was overly surprised that Dannan was thinking so clearly—he often did. But watching him step up and take charge, even speaking of a time down the road when Corina was settled, caused fresh emotion to surface, emotions that only heightened when, a short time later, a certain little girl stumbled sleepily into the kitchen and immediately sought the comfort of Dannan’s lap.

    Tucker Mills
    “We’ve heard from Dannan,” Troy wasted no time telling Conner. After getting the mail, he went right to the bank with plans to tell the Muldoons and Petersons next.
    Conner took the letter Troy handed him and read. It was brief but said much. He was coming just as soon as affairs were put in order, and he was bringing his cousin’s little girl. The letter said her name was Corina Joy MacKay, and she was three years old.
    In the letter Dannan also thanked everyone for their prayers and admitted he would certainly need them in the days to come. There was an estimated time of arrival more than a week down the road, but no firm promises of when he could return.
    Conner handed the letter back to his business partner with one request—that he tell Reese the news just as soon as he could.

    “How is Cathy?” Maddie asked when Jace returned from town.
    “Doing well. Taking it easy but getting things done.”
    “I’m really quite proud of her, Jace. I never expected her to stay so quiet and be so patient.”
    “She’s done well,” Jace agreed. Then he put in, “There’s news from Dannan.”
    “A letter?”
    “Yes. He’s not sure what day he’ll be back, but he’s bringing that little girl with him.”
    “Oh, Jace.” Maddie’s heart was broken and pleased all at the same time. It was wonderful to know Corina would

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