Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door

Free Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door by Sofia Grey

Book: Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door by Sofia Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sofia Grey
how to tell her, but maybe if he turned up in human form she might listen to him. It had to be worth a try. He didn’t expect to find the small parking area full of cars and people. He parked next to the road and walked up on silent feet, listening to snatches of conversation as he passed the huddled groups.
    “Eight firemen, apparently. She banged them all in turn.”
    “Kurt Anderson has taken out a restraining order on her. Says she is mentally unbalanced.” Jake growled at that, furious when he realized they were all journalists. Surely having an affair with the Asshole didn’t explain this level of interest from the media? There was even a local TV crew parked and waiting. Jake stuck to the shadows and crept closer.
    One guy was leaving her a voice message. “Ella, this is Jason Stanford from Four-News. We just want a few minutes of your time to talk about the rumor that you’re quitting the business.” He sounded as smarmy as a secondhand car salesman. “We’re planning a biography of your career and I’m sure you would prefer to have some input. Call me back at this number.”
    The reporter ended the call and grinned at the young man by his side. “She’ll come running, believe me, especially when I call her back to say that Kurt Anderson has already agreed to take part. You have to admire the way he’s making the most of this publicity. There’s a star who really understands how to work the media.” Jake itched beneath his skin as his wolf urged him to claw the fucker. This was just wasting time. He needed to reach his Mate and get her away from this madness.
    He strode across the snow and headed for the door, drawing the attention of the crowd as he did so. Curious faces watched him but he ignored them all. He knocked on the door and called through the wood. “ Cariad . Let me in.”

    Chapter 22
    Lillian heard another voice trying to get her attention. The only person she’d open the door to was Bryce and he was due any minute. Her bags were packed and she was ready to leave. Please God, let him come soon . She felt as though she was going mad.
    She’d swear she heard a man that sounded just like Jake from her dreams. It was the same deep, lilting voice and he even called her Cariad . If she ever needed proof that she’d lost her grip on reality, this was it.
    The voice called to her again. It sounded as though he hammered on the door with his fists. “Baby, it’s me, Jake. Let me in, Cariad . I need to know you’re okay.”
    The only Jake she knew was her dream lover. Lillian clamped her hands over her ears and tried to block out the voice. Please, Bryce, get your ass here now .
    “Lillian.” She could still hear the voice and she cringed. “Don’t make me break this door down.” Whoever it was had researched her well. Seconds later, headlights flashed through the window and a booming voice rang out over all the background noise.
    “Ms. Hart, this is Bryce. Open the door when you’re ready, and we’ll get you out of here.”
    * * * *
    Jake had given up on the front door and made his way to the back, careful not to let any of the press follow him. What he saw just about broke his heart. His Mate sat huddled on the floor, hands over her head, tears falling. She looked lost and utterly fragile. Every protective instinct surged to the fore. When he grasped the door handle and found it locked, he prepared to smash the window.
    “I’m coming, baby,” he shouted. “Hang on.”
    She lifted her head. Had she heard him? Would she come and unlock the door?
    She stumbled to the front door instead. What the fuck? Jake stared through the kitchen window as the woman he loved was hustled away by a mountain of a man and swept into a huge black car.
    Bryce and his team were used to barging through crowds of fans and media alike. They loaded Lillian and her bags into a car and drove into the early morning light with as little fuss as if she’d just been shopping. She blew her nose, dried her

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