
Free Touch&Geaux by Unknown

Book: Touch&Geaux by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
going to get. “God, yeah.”
    Ty’s cock was already pushing at him, Ty’s lips on his
    neck, his body hard and wet against Zane’s. Then the head
    of his cock, slicked with Zane’s cum, pressed against the tight
    muscles of Zane’s ass. Zane pushed his hips back and Ty thrust
    up against him, the slick head sliding between Zane’s legs. He
    didn’t enter him, though he came close.
    Ty smacked a hand over Zane’s mouth and buried his
    face against Zane’s shoulder. His other hand wrapped around
    Zane’s chest. He drove his hips against Zane’s ass, using Zane’s
    own cum to slick the way, using Zane’s body for the friction
    he needed.
    Ty grunted against Zane’s shoulder and dragged his teeth
    over Zane’s skin, tightening his hold as he came. Zane could
    feel Ty’s cum sliding over his ass even as Ty continued to thrust
    against him. He was making a messy job of it as the water ran
    over them. It stole Zane’s breath and made his knees weak.
    Zane reached behind him, dragging his hands along Ty’s
    ribs. When Ty finally stopped moving, he let his hand slide
    from Zane’s mouth and pulled Zane’s head around into a
    slow, languid kiss.
    “Now go see what the hell that noise was,” Zane mumbled
    as soon as he was able.
    “Not exactly Casanova, are you?” Ty kissed him again,
    licking at his lips. “But if you insist.”
    He pushed away and left Zane in the shower to clean up.
    When Zane finally joined him, he found Ty standing at the
    foot of the bed, still dripping wet, looking at a stack of folded
    “It was a maid?” Zane asked.
    “Looks like. Way to ruin the post-orgasm buzz with
    paranoia, Garrett.”
    Zane laughed. He stepped behind Ty and wrapped him
    up in the towel he had around his shoulders, pressing against
    Ty’s back. He kissed his neck. “Let me make it up to you then.”

Chapter 3
    July, 2004. Miami, Florida.
    ane hadn’t heard his real name spoken in almost six
    Z months. Two weeks after his wife’s funeral, Zane had
    begged for a new assignment, part of him hoping a change
    of scenery would make him want to kill himself less, and the
    other part hoping for an assignment so dangerous he wouldn’t
    have to do it himself. He’d been undercover in Miami ever
    since, nothing but pure luck and an overdeveloped sense of
    justice keeping him alive. He wanted to see these bastards go
    down, and he’d do whatever it took.
    He’d found it hard to sleep when he’d first arrived in
    Miami, a combination of on-the-job jitters and missing
    his wife so much it felt like his soul was dying. He’d begun
    drinking to combat the dreams.
    A few weeks after that, he’d started popping uppers
    to combat the hangovers, and sometimes even in a bid to
    mimic sobriety. He found that it worked for his cover, and it
    simultaneously dulled and sharpened his mind to the point
    that all he thought of was the case at hand, like a pen light for
    his brain. He would do anything to get the wife he’d lost, the
    life he’d lost, off his mind.
    His life had become a high-wire act, and every breath
    brought him closer to death. He had begun to place bets
    on what would kill him first: the drinking, the drugs, or the
    cartel. Tonight was a soiree, held to celebrate the success of a
    deal Zane had been active on closing. He’d also been active on
    sending the details to his handler, and he lived in fear of being
    found out.
    The rooftop garden in downtown Miami had been
    commandeered by the Miami boss, and no expense had
    been spared to entertain their new partners from Colombia.
    Alcohol and heroin flowed freely, mixed with multicolored
    designer drugs and neon blue drinks that looked like antifreeze
    and kind of tasted like it too. Expensive escorts, both male
    and female, roamed the crowd, offering their services.
    “Xander,” a man said as he approached Zane. Zane smiled
    and turned toward his boss, accustomed to the fake name. His
    boss had a woman on each arm, both smiling and

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