Not Planning on You
sit.” Did I actually say that with a straight face? I just asked Gray to pull my pants down, and put me on the toilet; I’m officially in hell.
Gray moved towards the wall closest to the toilet and put Suzy on her feet. He could feel her wince as the move jarred her body. He squared his shoulders, and tried to stop the shaking in his hands. He’d helped her at the hospital, but that was different. Being in this house alone with her was much more intimate. This was like opening the Christmas present you had always wanted, and then being told not to play with it. Get a grip man; you don’t lust after someone who is hurt. Think like a doctor, you aren’t affected by a pair of panties. Please let them be granny panties, please.
He avoided eye contact as he leaned down and grasped the edge of her jogging-pants, easing them along her legs. Holy mother, a thong! Gray could feel sweat starting to break out on his forehead. The thought of hooking his fingers under the edge of her lacy, black panties was almost more than he could bear. Averting his gaze, Gray pulled her panties down, helped her onto the toilet and then fled the bathroom like the hounds of hell were after him.
He stopped outside the bathroom door, panting like he’d just run a marathon. This wasn’t the way he’d envisioned removing Suzy’s clothing. He kept telling himself that she was hurt, and he shouldn’t be standing outside the bathroom door with a hard-on so painful, the zipper of his jeans was almost cutting him in two. As much as he loved having her here, there was going to be more than one person suffering while she recovered.

Wow, Suzy had never seen a man run from a half-naked woman so fast. After being used to Gray taking every opportunity to touch her, this was a little surprising. If she had to, she’d crawl to the shower tomorrow. Skip bathing, brushing your hair, and throw in sweat pants, and the man ran like hell. Was she really such a turn-off right now? Glancing down at herself, she knew the answer was yes. There was no way she’d want to do her if she were a guy.
So ok, she had a broken ankle, and her body felt like it had been run over by a tanker truck, but was that any reason to let herself go? Where did these sweats even come from? She had a strict policy against pants with elastic. She’d make an exception for a pair of skin tight leggings, but come on; there was nothing sexy about what she was wearing now. Surely, Beth packed some of her better clothing.
Suzy was determined to stand, and pull up her own pants before Gray returned. She managed to hold onto the wall and pull herself up. With a lot of pain, and even more cursing, Suzy finally had her pants up. She gave a shout of victory and was in the middle of a fist pump when Gray burst through the door with her nightgown clutched in his hand. She was probably a bad person, but she couldn’t help it, she started laughing at the absurdity of the situation. She was standing in the bathroom with the man who had haunted her dreams for months. He looked hot enough to make her one good ankle buckle, and she’d picked better looking things than her off the bottom of her shoes. God, she’d never been happier. She hurt in places she didn’t know existed, but she just wanted to feel his mouth on hers, right here in this bathroom.
Gray looked into her eyes, and couldn’t miss the heat there. He had been terrified when he heard her shout as he was walking back to the bathroom with her gown. He fully expected to see her sprawled on the floor, further injured. When he threw the door open and saw the triumph on her face, and her fist waving in the air, he was captivated. His throat had swelled, emotion taking over. She’d never looked more beautiful to him than at that moment. He could see the answering desire in her eyes as her laughter faded, and her gaze locked on his. He walked slowly towards her, reaching up to caress her cheek. “Baby,

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