Finding Me Again

Free Finding Me Again by Amber Garza

Book: Finding Me Again by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
of Hadley’s expression fills my mind, and my chest tightens. I know what it feels like to be humiliated and ridiculed. I never want to make someone else feel that way. “It wasn’t that funny,” I mumble.
    “Oh c’mon, what’s going on with you, man?”
    Feeling embarrassed, I force a light smile. “Nothing.” I pat Mav on the back. “C’mon, we better get to practice. Coach’ll kill us if we’re late.” I mostly say it as a way to evade this topic, but I honestly don’t want to late to football practice. The last thing I need is for coach to ride me anymore than he usually does. Together Mav and I head back down the hallway toward the locker rooms.
    On the way, we pass the gym where the cheerleaders practice. Sonya, Molly and Trista stand outside wearing short shorts and tank tops. Their shrill laughter pierces my ears, and I wince. I dated both Molly and Trista last year. Now Molly’s with Toby, and I heard Trista’s dating some guy from another high school. When Sonya spots us, she lifts her shiny lips into a seductive smile and saunters in my direction. Her tight, low cut tank top and tiny shorts leave nothing to the imagination. I see Mav’s eyebrows shoot up as his gaze roves over her taut body. But for some reason when I look at Sonya, I just feel tired. Something about this chick just makes me feel exhausted.
    “Hey Mav,” she says, using his nickname. It sounds funny coming out of a girl’s mouth since usually only the guys call Maverick that. Then again, it doesn’t surprise me. Sonya likes to think she has the inside track with all of us. She turns her gaze to me with a flutter of her long lashes. “Hey, you.”
    “Hey you back,” I try to sound flirty, but the truth is I’m kind of annoyed. I hate how she acts like I should feel special that she chose me. And I hate how she assumes that just because she has her sights set on me then it’s a done deal. Hasn’t she ever had a guy turn her down ? I take in her long sleek hair, smooth tanned skin, heart shaped lips and almond colored eyes. Yeah, I guess that she probably hasn’t.
    She comes closer, and her fruity scent chokes me. Reaching out, she runs a red lacquered nail up my chest. “Where are you off to? Football practice?”
    I swallow hard, enjoying the feeling of her fingertips through my shirt. As much as she annoys me, I’m still a guy. And her touch does feel good. “Yeah.”
    “Don’t work too hard,” she says with a wink.
    It seems that her words have a double meaning, but I’m not sure what it is. I nod anyway.
    “We’re late, dude,” Mav whispers harshly.
    I glance up at the clock on the wall and groan. Great. Just what I need. Looking down at Sonya, I smile apologetically. “Gotta run. Talk to you later.” Without waiting for her response, I spin around and race toward the locker room.


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