A Sliver of Shadow

Free A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang

Book: A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Pang
    My inner voice let out a little montage of cheers, but the urge to get the hell out of here and into a shower overrode any attempts at would-be snark. “All right,” I said, wincing at the way my words slurred together. “I think we’re done here.”
    “Yes.” Roweena tapped the scrolls on her thigh. “I will contact you shortly as to the veracity of these documents as well as requiring formal word from the Court. Surely a better replacement could have been found.” She sniffed, the hair in her tightly wrapped bun looking even more severe than usual.
    Tresa stumbled, rubbing her throat. “This is a mistake,” she hissed at Roweena.
    “I agree,” Talivar said. “Yours.” He crouched down to help me to my feet, head tilted toward the angels. “I want her taken into custody.”
    Roweena’s mouth pursed as she weighed his words. “I’m sorry, Prince, but you know the law here. If she is Moira’s actual replacement, then by detaining her we violate her right of rule. On the other hand,” she added darkly, her gaze snapping to Tresa, “it would not be amiss if she would accompany me to the Judgment Hall. For her safety, of course.”
    Tresa’s upper lip curled but she nodded.
    “Until the morrow, then.” Roweena bowed and gestured at the angels to follow her out the door, Tresa in tow. Phineas let out an aggrieved whinny and trotted off in the same direction.I hesitated, aching to call him back, but the words choked in my mouth, shame biting at my belly.
    “When was the last time you ate?” Talivar steadied me by holding my elbow.
    I struggled with the urge to throw him off. “A crappy grilled cheese a few hours ago? I don’t know. It’s been a bit busy today, if you haven’t noticed.” I rubbed my arm, not quite able to meet his eye. “I need to get out of here and take a shower. And I need you to take the crib to Robert’s. It’s late enough as it is.”
    Talivar frowned. “You took Benjamin to Robert?”
    I nodded, my eyes drooping. “Seemed like the best thing to do.”
    “Fine,” the prince said after a moment of tense silence. He tipped my chin up so that I was forced to meet his gaze. I caught a hint of sympathy and something else, but it was gone before I could identify it. “But we’re going to talk about that later. And you are going to eat.”
    “Whatever.” I waved him off as he attempted to escort me outside. It was a slow night at the Marketplace and I wasn’t inclined to linger, so I simply turned the lock, watching the door flare into a silver nimbus and then disappear. Gotta love a storefront that can be closed via an interdimensional gateway. Cuts down on thieves, anyway.
    Shivering, I hastened up the creaking wooden steps with a wrinkle of disgust at my weakness. Talivar’s presence shadowed me from behind, but I refused to acknowledge it. There was an argument brewing between us—but damned if I was going to get into it before I got cleaned up.
    The water sluiced over me, hard and fast and hot. The steamed tiles slid beneath my palms as I pushed against the wall, trying to drown the biting sting of shame. Inwardly I knew I had no control over the seizures, no control overtheir effects—not even the pills could guarantee me that. But still … of all the fucking times to lose it, why did it have to be in front of the potential enemy? Or future boss, I thought snidely.
    My hands fisted against the wall, nails biting into my palms as Tresa’s face loomed before me, the arrogant way her nose tipped up, the sneering pout of her lips. I wasn’t even sure why I gave a shit about her, honestly—or any of the OtherFolk, for that matter. After all, I was 100 percent human and except for my KeyStone ability, I doubted any of them gave two shakes about who I was or what I could do, regardless of what Brandon had told me.
    I shut the water off with a jerk, the pipes banging in heated protest, and stepped out of the tub. I had a new bruise on my knee from when I’d

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