Serendipity (Southern Comfort)

Free Serendipity (Southern Comfort) by Lisa Clark O'Neill

Book: Serendipity (Southern Comfort) by Lisa Clark O'Neill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Clark O'Neill
Jordan’s leg, and he reached down to swat it.  “Did you meet her through your book club?”
    “Well, yes.”
    “Does she read romance novels?”
    “Of course.”
    “I’ve heard enough.”  He threw his arms to his sides, an umpire declaring the runner out.  “Thanks, but no thanks.”
    “Just because she enjoys a good love story and has auburn hair doesn’t make her a stalker.”
    “Well, you just clinched it.  I can’t have drinks with her because I’m through with redheads.”  Thoughts of Leslie Fitzsimmons – yet another redhead – brought an uncomfortable little twist in his gut.  “Case closed.” 
    Grace , Jesse’s two-year-old , toddled over, and Jordan picked her up and tossed her into the air amid peals of laughter.  Her pink dress was covered in juice, there was something dark and sticky in her tumble of blonde curls, and her chin bore the melted remains of a chocolate Easter bunny.  When Jordan set her down Finn charged after her to lick her face. 
    “Oh, come on Jordan.  It’s just drinks.”
    “Yeah, come on Jordan.”
    Jordan looked at Clay with irritation.  “If you’re so game, Clay, why don’t you go?”
    “That’s a great idea!” Caitlin lit up so brightly that Jordan and Clay both blinked.  “You guys can double up.  I’m sure Katie has a friend she could bring along.  That way there’s no pressure.”
    “Okay.” Clay was clearly much more wasted than Jordan thought.  
    “Clay, you’re here to help me with a case, not play matchmaker.  If I want a date, I can get my own.”
    “You weren’t having too much luck at the park today.”
    Jordan sent him a fulminating look.  “A temporary setback, and none of your damn business.”
    “Now, Jordan.”  Clay sat his empty bottle on the step and rested both hands on Jordan’s shoulders.  “That thing about all work and no play isn’t just a cliché.  Trust me when I tell you that sometimes it helps to step away from the situation so that you can gain a little perspective.  We can start as early as you like tomorrow, and by, oh… let’s say seven o’clock we should be ready for a break.  A couple of drinks, some conversation.  Clears the mind, son.”
    Jordan scrubbed his hand across his face.  “I can’t believe this.  What happened to male solidarity?”
    “One word: raincoat.”   The traitor winked at Caitlin.  “You think your friend would be interested in getting together tomorrow?”
    “Wild horses wouldn’t keep her away.” 
    “Well then.  It sounds like we have ourselves an introduction.”
    THE bright light of Easter Sunday had softened toward dusk by the time Ava pulled into her drive.  Dinner was going to be late, but Lou Ellen wasn’t one to mind the clock.  Besides, Ava’d had too much damn fun to allow guilt to ruin it.
    She’d driven halfway to Florida and back, passing every police station she could find along the way. Then she’d stumbled on a roadside festival, disappearing into the crowd.
    The cotton candy had been nearly as tasty as the goon’s frustration.
    Though she had to give this one credit.  He’d stuck like a bloodthirsty tick on a plump hound.  And by the deep red flush that had crept up his neck whenever she waved at him, she didn’t think he was too happy with his assignment. 
    Good.  That made two of them.
    Running her fingers through her tangled hair, Ava smiled at herself in the rearview mirror.  Nothing like making one of her uncle’s trained dogs jump through hoops to brighten the day. 
    Her smile turned to a grimace as she stepped from the car and noticed the state of her dress.  The wrinkles would come out when she had it dry cleaned, but she wasn’t so sure about the grease stain from the carrousel.  If she ruined one more garment due to dealing with her uncle’s shenanigans she was going to be seriously pissed. 
    Gravel crunched behind her, and she turned.
    The switchblade flashed, and Ava felt the bite of it under her

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