Haven 1: How to Save a Life
his left.
    “Come here.”
    Kevin jerked his head up. “Huh?”
    Walter held up the towel. “I’ve got ice.”
    “Oh, okay.” Kevin hesitated for a moment, then moved toward him.
    Walter took ahold of Kevin’s wrist and gently placed the towel over the red knuckles. He felt Kevin’s racing pulse through the thin skin at the inside of his wrist. He caressed his thumb over that sensitive spot, not even aware he would do such a thing until his thumb was already working over the skin, trying to ease Kevin’s nerves and, in the process, creating a flood of tension throughout his own body. Not the kind of tension a man got pissed about. The kind that ended in one specific release.
    He focused on Kevin’s hand, checking for more damage. There were several scrapes across his palm. “What happened here?”
    “The brick wall outside the Haven.”
    “You two get in a fight?”
    “Very funny. I tripped.”
    “Seems like you do that a lot. You’re kind of a klutz.”
    “You’re real smart if that’s all you’ve figured out about me.” Despite the harsh words, there was humor in Kevin’s voice. He looked up at Walter. “What about your eye?”
    “It’ll be okay.” He could even open it now.
    “It looks like it hurts.” Kevin reached up with his free hand and stopped short of touching Walter’s cheek under his eye. He dropped his hand and wiped his palm on the leather pants.
    Walter laughed. The nervous chuckle surged out of his chest. He was acting like he was on a first date. His first date ever. “You pack a pretty mean punch.”
    Kevin held the towel in place on the back of his hand and stepped away, his back to Walter. “For a little guy.”
    “I didn’t say that.”
    “You were thinking it.”
    “No, I wasn’t.”
    Kevin spun to face Walter and examined him with genuine astonishment.
    “Did you find anything?” The kid from the hall stood at the open door, his hand on the doorknob.
    “Seth’s not here.” Walter pointed to the kid. “Kevin, this is Seth’s neighbor.”
    Kevin tucked the towel with the ice under his arm and held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.” The kid hesitated, studying Kevin with more intensity than he had Walter. Finally he let go of the door and they shook, the kid towering over Kevin.
    Kevin asked, “How well do you know Seth? Is he a friend of yours?”
    The kid gave him another long look, this one more exasperated than scrutinizing. “You’re nosy.” Without another word he walked past him and focused on Walter. “You didn’t find anything?”
    “Not yet. When did you last see him?”
    “He was here yesterday morning. We usually head out at the same time.” He shrugged. Obviously a common gesture for him, as if what he said or thought needed an explanation. “He catches the subway a block past my school, so we walk together.”
    “Do you know if he has any family or friends I can get in touch with?”
    “I don’t think he talks to his mom and dad. He told me once I was lucky my grandma worked so hard to keep me. He used to have a sister, but I think she died or something. He’s got a friend who comes by sometimes. Toby. I thought he was his boyfriend, but I guess they’re just friends. Other than that, my grandma and me are really the only family he’s got.” He paused, then stared Walter down. “Seth’s a good guy. If you’re here to hassle him ’cause he’s gay then—”
    “Trust me, that’s not why I’m here.” Walter gave his own pointed look.
    “Oh, okay. I just don’t like people giving him shit for who he is. He’s real good to me and my grandma. Helps us a lot with fixing stuff at our apartment. More than the asshole building manager does.” The kid glanced around Seth’s living room. “I mean, we don’t let him decorate our place or anything. Even my grandma doesn’t like this much pink. Or that many unicorns.”
    Walter laughed. “Hey, I’m gay, and even I wouldn’t let him touch my place.”
    Kevin smirked from across

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