Haven 1: How to Save a Life
rattled. Why did it not surprise him the little sneak would try that? And he didn’t mean the kid down the hall.
    He flung open the door. A shorter man stumbled inside, arms flailing as he fell forward. Walter caught him and didn’t need more than a quick glance in the low light to know he held Kevin Price in his arms.
    Fortunately Walter had been better prepared this time and didn’t fall backward with Kevin on top of him like he’d done with the dog. But the force of the impact did send him back several steps, his ass hitting the end table, leaving the glass lamp precariously perched on the edge. He needed to stand carefully or the lamp would go sailing to the floor and shatter into pieces. For all he knew, it was the one thing in Seth Fisher’s meager apartment that was a priceless antique.
    Kevin squirmed, pushing at Walter’s chest at the same time. “Let go of me.”
    “Take it easy.”
    That had Kevin squirming more. The movement did nothing to keep Walter from thinking about Kevin’s body pressed against his. Another squirm and the top of Kevin’s head just missed smacking into his chin.
    “Fucking let go of me.” Kevin kicked his shin.
    “Fuck.” Walter released him. “That hurt.” He should’ve kept his hold on Kevin despite the kicking, because the next thing he knew a fist was barreling toward his eye.
    He held his body still, which kept the lamp from falling but meant his eye socket absorbed the full force of that punch. “Fuck.” He’d never cursed this much in his life. He held a hand over his eye and got his ass off the edge of the table.
    “Oh God. Walter?”
    “Yes. Who did you think it was?”
    Kevin shook his open hand like he’d busted it. “Oh God. That really hurt.”
    “Tell me about it.” Walter dabbed at the tender skin below his squinting eye. “Why did you punch me?”
    “I didn’t know it was you. And you wouldn’t let go.”
    “I was trying to keep you from busting up Seth’s apartment.” He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder toward the lamp.
    “Oh.” Kevin smoothed the front of his dress shirt. He wouldn’t make eye contact. “This isn’t your place?”
    The pillows, the fringe, the sparkly beads hanging in the hall doorway? The unicorns? “No, it’s not my place.”
    Kevin glanced around, checking out the apartment, the display of color. Maybe he got it wasn’t Walter’s taste. “Oh.”
    “If you thought I lived here, then how did you not know it was me?”
    “I don’t know. I just… I’m just not used to…”
    “Being touched by a man?”
    Kevin hesitated. “I guess.”
    “You didn’t have a problem with it earlier.” Walter tried to open his eye and immediately regretted the action. “You thought I invited you to my apartment to what? Fuck? What did you think? I’d grab you the minute you walked in the door?”
    Kevin ducked his head, and he was definitely avoiding Walter’s gaze now. Even with only the one eye open, Walter couldn’t miss the embarrassment. He’d never seen a guy look that uncomfortable. Kevin swiped at the carpeted floor with the side of his shoe as if he hoped to find a secret escape hatch. He gave up on the carpet and examined the back of his hand. The knuckles were red and starting to swell.
    “Wait here.” Walter went to the kitchen, the panting dog following him. He wished he had those gloves. It was not a good idea to touch anything, but a different instinct fought with those of the former cop. Using a dog-paw-print towel hanging from the fridge door handle, he pulled a tray of ice from the freezer and wrapped several cubes in the towel. He spotted two dog bowls on the floor beside the fridge. One empty. One flipped upside down, the water long gone, either drunk or evaporated in the stifling heat of the closed apartment. Even if he filled both bowls before he left, no way could he leave the dog there like that. Walter returned to the living room.
    Kevin was walking around the room, his right hand cradled in

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