Exile of Lucifer

Free Exile of Lucifer by D. Brian Shafer

Book: Exile of Lucifer by D. Brian Shafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Brian Shafer
truth. I must admit I've had such notions. Privately
I'm ready to take Pellecus and Lucifer on here and now. And this is
the reason, Michael. Pellecus will say all kinds of things which
angels might find both disturbing as well as enticing. Of course
Lucifer would not speak publicly on these issues--he would allow
Pellecus to speak for him; his prophetic voice, so to say. But when
"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 55

it all comes down to it, they have only their wits and their pet
philosophies. I have the truth of God and the truth is everlasting,
     Crispin looked at Michael. "But I don't want to debate anyone
just to try and best them. If by debating Pellecus I could put an end
to this idle speculation about freedom that has infected this school,
then I would challenge him. I'm afraid it isn't that easy."
     "What exactly is the nature of this...infection?" asked Michael.
     "Well, it's been around since we were created, I suppose," said
Crispin, "this idea of how far an angel can exercise his freedom
before he opposes the Lord. Where does one draw the line--that
sort of thing. I suppose Pellecus has vented the argument. You saw
Berenius in class. He's just one of a number of angels who seem
eager to...try their own way."
     "Is that the dangerous movement you were talking about in
the classroom?" asked Michael. "These angels who seem bent upon
their independence? Berenius may be brash but he doesn't appear
ready to take on Heaven just yet."
     "Independence! We have independence already," fumed
Crispin as he thought about the rather smug expression on Bere-
nius' face. "Besides, Michael, he isn't alone. There are others who
are part of something that goes beyond academic discourse. I am
not afraid of radical ideas. It is radical action that is disturbing. As
long as the angels keep it in the classroom I suppose they may think
what they like--they will anyway. But there is more going on here
than simply a radical philosophy. There is coordination and per-
haps manipulation toward an actual outcome. But to what end?"
     "And you believe Lucifer is the mover?" asked Michael.
     "Mind you, I have no real evidence for any of this. But you your-
self mentioned his behavior of late. I too have seen a change in him. I
find him seething and potentially explosive. Not at all the angel I
once knew. Then there's Pellecus, spewing this divisive doctrine all
over the Kingdom, encouraged, if not coached, by Lucifer. Pellecus
teaches only what Lucifer allows these days. Of that much I am
sure. Finally, look who sits on the Council of Worship! Every angel
handpicked by Lucifer--all of them former students of Pellecus and
56 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

all of them now in places of great authority. Let's see...there's
Tinius, Lenaes, Rugio, who is one of your own commanders,
Sangius, and quite a few others. From what I understand they are
devoted to Lucifer."
     "Everyone in Heaven knows about his Worship Council,"
answered Michael. "They've been meeting together for matters of
worship for a long time."
     "Worship Council?!" said Crispin. "Maybe they once met to
discuss worship. Lucifer hasn't involved them in worship since
way before your archangelry. The Council should be done away
with. It's nothing more than a group of troublesome angels with
nothing better to do with their time than sit around Lucifer's enor-
mous house and talk about such nonsense!"
     "But why would Lucifer, who brings us into the Presence of
the Most High, consort with this group of malcontents?" Michael
     Crispin thought about his answer for a moment, reflecting on
the two Lucifers he knew: the angel with the voice of God who once
shone brilliantly in the Academy, and this melancholy figure who
was restless and driven. "Lucifer is Lucifer," Crispin finally said.
"He has always been a deep one. I remember when he was in my
classes here. He would simply sit back and drink in the lecture with
his eyes closed. In the beginning I thought

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