Sensual Confessions

Free Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson

Book: Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tomorrow, maybe not.”
    A tightness formed in his stomach. His heart began pounding. She had just given him hope and he caught it like it was a lifeline, something he’d never done before. “Have dinner with me tomorrow,” he said, standing up.
    “So I can convince you that I do interest you.”
    She held his gaze for a long moment, as if tossing his offer around in her head, and then she said, “All right. But you won’t get too many opportunities to convince me of anything.”
    He hadn’t thought that he would, which meant that he needed to use every minute of his time wisely. He stood back to gave her room to clear off her desk and to log off her computer. She was about to put the strap of her purse over her shoulder when he reached out and gently pulled her to him.
    He figured he had been in her office less than thirty minutes, but it had to have been the most intense half hour he’d ever shared with a woman outside of the bedroom.
    She didn’t resist when he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her even closer and stood in such a way that she felt his arousal. Every inch of it, and it felt so damn good cradled in the juncture of her thighs. “Let me give you something to think about until I see you tomorrow.”
    And then he lowered his mouth to hers.
    Sam saw his mouth coming and was ready for it. They had talked long enough and she needed this to take the heat off. The moment their mouths touched she could feel her heart slam against her chest, automatically causing an ache between her thighs. The way his erection was pressing against her wasn’t helping matters. But she could handle it.
    Or she would die trying.
    Moments later she thought she would be dying anyway, if he continued to kiss her the way he did. His tongue was greedier tonight than it had been the last time. There were no parts of her mouth that hadn’t been licked, sucked and teased. He was thorough and by the time he was finished she was moaning deep in her throat. But then she’d heard his groans, those husky sounds he’d made, letting her know his enjoyment was just as pleasurable as hers.
    Once again it was the intercom that had them reluctantly pulling their mouths apart. “Ms. Di Meglio, it’s eight o’clock, and you wanted me to let you know so that you wouldn’t stay here too late,” Rita said.
    Sam licked her lips, sealing in Blade’s taste. She was surprised Rita had remembered. Usually she was so absorbed in her novel that she forgot everything. Sam leaned over and pressed the button on her desk. “Thanks, Rita, I’m getting ready to leave now.”
    Thankfully, Blade stood back to let her lock her desk drawers, and then he moved in step with her when she headed out the door. She bade Rita a good-night when they passed through Security. She and Blade didn’t say anything until they were walking out the door to the parking lot.
    “She’s a lot nicer than that security guard that was here the morning I stopped by,” Blade said.
    Sam looked over at him. “That was Frank Denson. He takes his job seriously.”
    Blade snorted. “Yeah, I can tell.” He decided not to mention that as far as he was concerned, the man took her seriously, as well. He had watched how Denson had hung on to her every word. Had the man been a dog he would have been panting and wagging his tail. A low growl rumbled in Blade’s chest at the memory.
    When they reached her car he waited until she opened the door and slid inside, appreciating the glimpse of her thigh. “And you’re sure I can’t persuade you to come to my hotel room tonight?”
    Sam couldn’t help but grin. Blade was persistent if nothing else. “I’m positive. I agreed to have dinner with you tomorrow night, that’s a start.”
    He smiled down at her. “I prefer thinking about the finish. It will be a lot hotter and steamier.”
    “We’ll see.”
    “No, Samari Di Meglio, get ready to feel. And because I was taught to make sure ladies get home safely,

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