Sensual Confessions

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Book: Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
    “That we have business there you had to take care of. I even showed her the model of the Mosley Building we have on display in the lobby. That may have satisfied her somewhat, but I suggest you give her a call to let her know you’re all right. The older she gets the more she worries.”
    Blade chuckled. Slade was too nice to say that the older their great-grandmother got the more she meddled in their affairs. “Okay, I’ll call her tomorrow. How’s Skye doing?”
    “My lady is doing fine.”
    Blade shook his head. His twin liked getting all mushy on him when it came to Skye. He was sounding like a whipped man. Like Luke, this marriage thing evidently agreed with him.
    “Do you know how long you plan to stay in Oklahoma?” Slade asked, interrupting his thoughts.
    Blade shrugged. “For another week or so.”
    He thought of Sam and then said, “Maybe longer. I want to be hands-on.” He wasn’t referring to the Mosley Building, but Slade didn’t really need to know that.
    “In fact, I plan on contacting Claire tomorrow to see if she can find me a bigger place,” he added, giving Slade a heads-up on his plans. “It will be cheaper to lease something instead of remaining in a hotel, since I’ll be making a number of trips back and forth periodically to check on things.” He smiled. His reasoning sounded good even to his own ears.
    “That might not be such a bad idea. It might save us a lot of money in the long run. Take care and I’ll talk to you later.”
    “You, too.”
    “And don’t forget to call Mama Laverne or you might be sorry.”
    “I’ll call her.” Blade hung up the phone thinking about Slade’s comment about saving the company money. He chuckled. Saving the company money was the last thing on his mind. Getting Sam into his bed topped the list.
    Sam couldn’t help the smile that kept creeping across her face as she blow-dried her hair. You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that Blade thought he had her right where he wanted her—almost. The fact that he couldn’t follow her inside the gated community might have set him back a bit, but there was no doubt in her mind that he intended to recover ground tomorrow over dinner. She would definitely be prepared.
    A short while later, she got into bed and curled up under the covers. She hadn’t gotten a lot done tonight because of Blade’s visit, which meant she would have to get up and go into the office early. She had an appointment at ten with a woman who was divorcing her husbandand wanted full custody of the family dog. To avoid dwelling on what a circus the case might become, Sam shifted in bed, trying not to think about Blade—the man who seemingly was trying to monopolize all of her time.
    She didn’t have to close her eyes to recall how he’d looked standing in her office doorway or how she’d felt ogling him. Her office had been filled with so much sexual energy it was a wonder the two of them hadn’t been electrocuted. She knew that she needed to mind her p’s and q’s at dinner the next day, and stay one step ahead of his game. He was a man on the prowl, determined to get inside her panties. And she was just as determined that he didn’t.
    She wondered if he would continue to send the flowers. Peyton had joked that her secret admirer must know her schedule, since no flowers had been delivered while she’d been away last week. It would have been easy for Blade to find out that information. Mac might have innocently mentioned it to him, just as she’d mentioned her whereabouts tonight. Or Luke could have been the one to spill the beans.
    Sam sighed, thinking she missed the flowers and had gotten used to receiving them. The gesture seemed like Blade’s M.O. Including a card with some mushy sentimental line just wasn’t his style. Evidently, he was trying to make sure he was always in her thoughts whenever she looked at the beautiful flower arrangement.
    He hadn’t mentioned that he was the one

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