The Secret Crush

Free The Secret Crush by Sarah M. Ross

Book: The Secret Crush by Sarah M. Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah M. Ross


    S NOW FELL OUTSIDE MY WINDOW in big fat flakes. It was the perfect kind of snow for making snowmen and having snowball fights, like the epic one planned later between the fraternities and sororities. Every year at Westin University, after the first major snowfall, everyone would skip whatever classes they had, and there would be a huge snowball fight. It was the highlight of the season, with even the Dean joining in some years. This year, the snow had fallen on a Saturday, so no one had to miss any classes.
    We thought for sure we’d get an early snowfall this season, but so far we hadn’t gotten anything but flurries. If the accumulation at the window were any indication, we had a good five or six inches already.
    I fell back into bed and snuggled deeper under the covers next to Caleb.
    “Did it snow, babe?” he whispered, still half asleep.
    “Yes. It looks so beautiful out now.”
    He pulled me close and kissed me. “You look beautiful now. What time is it? The sun isn’t even up.”
    “Almost seven. I was too excited to sleep.”
    His face nuzzled the crook of my neck. “Well since we’re both up . . .”
    I giggled as the stubble from his chin tickled me. “You’re insatiable.”
    “Damn right I am.” He nibbled my earlobe, making me moan. “And you love it.”
    He always knew exactly where to touch me to make me forget everything else but him. Not that it was very difficult. Ever since Halloween, we’d barely been apart, and we certainly couldn’t keep our hands off one another.
    For the next few hours, I forgot about everything else, becoming lost in a tangle of sheets and body parts until I was sweaty, panting, and starving. We’d burned a lot of calories and needed to recharge.
    Caleb kissed my shoulder before sliding out of the bed. I lay there, wondering how I got so lucky when I heard the shower turn on. My body was blissfully spent, but I still found the energy to wrap myself in a big fluffy robe, get up, and start the small coffee pot in his apartment, pouring two steaming cups.
    He found me staring out the window again, and I handed him a cup of coffee. “My sister texted. Everyone’s meeting at The Sugar Mill for pancakes. You in?”
    My mouth watered at the thought. “Yes, that sounds great. I’ll hop in the shower.”
    “Did you hear from your mom?” I yelled as I lathered shampoo in my hair. “I know she was really upset yesterday, getting the final divorce papers.”
    “Yeah. She was going out for one of those painting nights where you drink wine with some of her friends. But she wants us to come over for dinner this weekend. Is that okay?”
    “Of course.”
    I turned off the water, wringing water out of my hair. After drying off, I found a purple sweater with a cow neck that was super soft, put a black cami under it, and paired it with a pair of black furry boots and skinny jeans. I was putting the finishing touches on my French braid when Caleb came back in, handing me my coffee in a to-go cup for the car and kissing my head, inhaling deeply.
    “Do you have any clue just how sexy you are, Hadley? I swear, I can never eat a strawberry again without thinking of you. It has definitely become my new favorite smell.”
    I kissed him hard. There wasn’t anything about Caleb I didn’t love. He treated me with adoration and respect. He never became possessive or controlling, instead trusting if I stayed out late with Piper and Chloe. Plus, he was a fantastic kisser. Just the briefest of contact of our lips sent me swooning. The best part was that we were already such great friends. We fell into an easy rhythm in our relationship, and the more time we spent together the more natural it seemed. I kicked myself, thinking about all the time we could have had if we had gotten together sooner, but honestly, I thought we came out stronger in the end because we did have that strong foundation of friendship.
    Our kissing went on and on, each becoming

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