Tempting Sydney

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Book: Tempting Sydney by Angela Corbett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Corbett
Tags: Romance, Romantic Comedy, new adult
my ear. “You should sit on my lap. I have a present for you.”
    I gave him a too-sweet smile as I pushed his hand off my leg. “Keep dreaming, asshole,” I yelled over the pounding bass.
    His smile shifted slightly, no longer as smug, and definitely more annoyed. “You’re a bitch.”
    “And you’re a douchebag who probably has a tiny dick. We all have our problems to overcome.” I turned away and looked at Brynn. Her eyes softened like she was asking if I was okay. I waved my hand in front of me like it was no big deal. She believed me, and went back to kissing Derrick again until our drinks came. Brynn got something so bright orange it looked neon. I shook my head, thinking that couldn’t be healthy. I took a sip of my water and frowned. It was carbonated, and had a hint of lemon. I liked lemon in my water, but I wasn’t a fan of water with fizz. It just tasted…wrong. Like soda without the sugar. I decided to ask for a non-fizzy water as soon as the server came back, but for now, this would have to do. It was hot as hades in the club and I needed to stay hydrated.
    After what felt like a few minutes, I looked down at my drink and it was half gone. I shook my head, confused. How had that happened? I didn’t even like the bubbles. Bubbles? What was wrong with me? My head felt fuzzy and I was having a hard time thinking. Then I felt myself being pulled on top of someone’s lap. I looked up into a fuzzy face I barely recognized. “Karl?” I asked.
    “Come on, baby,” he said, his hand going around my waist and resting on the curve of my ass.
    I shook my head repeatedly and my skull felt like it was being hit with Thor’s hammer. “No,” I said, trying to push him away and stand. I was unsuccessful at both attempts. “No, I want to stay with Brynn.” I looked for her, and she was now across from me in a tiny bean bag with Derrick. I frowned. She shouldn’t be there. We needed to stick together. We always stayed together. I stood again and stumbled, trying to make it to the bean bag next to her. Derrick was leaning into her, kissing her like he was trying to put out a fire with his saliva, while his hand moved under her wispy, see-through shirt.
    Suddenly, an arm was around my waist again, pulling me in the other direction—away from Brynn. “Your friend’s going to hang out with my buddy for a while, so you and I can spend some time together. I’m going to show you how big my dick really is.” His voice sounded harsh.
    My brow furrowed. I didn’t want to see his dick. I wasn’t at all interested in it. I needed to tell him that, and tell him to go to hell, too. But I couldn’t form the words. Something wasn’t right. My head felt cloudy, and the pounding against my skull was increasing. Brynn was drunk off her ass, and I was…something. And whatever it was, the effects were becoming worse with every passing moment. I’d had my drink close to me and hadn’t noticed anything slipped into it, but I’d also been babysitting Brynn, so maybe someone drugged me when I wasn’t looking.
    Karl held my upper arm and started dragging me down a hall, away from the dance floor—and all of the people.
    That’s when I heard the noise. Like a furious animal roaring. And before I knew it, I was being pushed out of the way, and Karl was being pushed into—and almost through—a wall. I stood across the hallway, bracing myself against a table so I wouldn’t fall. My legs felt like jelly as I watched Karl get pounded. Some guy was using him as a punching bag. I wanted to cheer! He was getting the shit beat out of him! He deserved it. I wished I could do it myself, but I could barely stand.
    Without warning, the whole world started to tilt. It felt like it happened in slow motion, and I wondered why the earth had abruptly fallen off its axis. I felt myself start to fall and suddenly, I was weightless. Like a feather floating in the breeze. I laughed and waved my arms. I was flying! Cold wind hit my cheeks

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