Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Free Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd

Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
is none of your business; however, he can’t be too bad if your company represents him. Unless you’re telling me that you’re bad news too. You’re just upset that I didn’t cancel my plans for you. I’m not your beck and call girl.”
    “If you want to be a cage girl in my company then you won’t see Royce anymore. I gave him the same choice six months ago. I guess you know what he chose.” He smirks.
    What a bastard. How could he put Royce in that spot? And Royce chose his career over me. That hurts.
    “I’ve wanted you since the first night I saw you at the fights. Why do you think I keep coming back? I’m an important man Brandi. I don’t have to give you a choice you know. I need to get close to you…to touch you… to have you. I want you to be mine.”
    “if you cared about me you wouldn’t be giving me an ultimatum. We had sex one time. Yeah, while it was great, I deserve better than this, from you…from anyone.”
    Parker reaches across the car and tangles his fingers in my hair before pulling me in for the kiss of all kisses. His tongue swipes across the bottom of my lip, he moans an, “Mmm,” against my mouth before pushing his tongue into my mouth and claiming me as his. I answer his claim and our tongues dance in a tango.
    “Stop,” I pant and sag against the door as I fumble for the door handle. “I can’t Parker.
    “You make me crazy Brandi. All day I think about you and ways to get close to you. But my life it’s not one I’d wish on anyone. You are so beautiful, if anything ever happened to you…”
    “Parker I’m not sure I follow where you are going with this.”
    “I’ve done things…bad things to get what I want. I’ve hurt people…”
    “I’m sure it can’t be that bad Parker. But you aren’t ready to tell me and that’s okay. I want to work for your company, but not so much that I am willing to make a deal with you when it comes to my love life. I’m not with Royce, but I’m sure you know that already. I’m not a friend with benefits type of girl. I don’t go around sleeping with a different man every night.”
    “Who said anything about being friends Brandi. I want you as my lover and mine only. I don’t like to share. I assumed you understood that after our fun in the bathroom. It’s different with you. I don’t go around fucking my friends. I tell you what, when you are ready to grow up, come see me.” 
    Come see him when I grow up…Who does he think he is dismissing me like a child? I’ll show him a child… After collecting myself and my emotions I remove myself from his car and he speeds off in to the distance.
    Kline’s truck is here and the lights are on inside the apartment. I really hope he is alone, but the sound of numerous voices tells me he is celebrating his win. Is it wrong that I don’t want to join in on the celebration? Maybe I would be more in the celebrating mood if I knew Kline was finished taking on Charlie’s troubles.  A good sister would suck it up and join the party, but tonight I am feeling selfish. Instead of celebrating, I opt out of joining Kline and his buddies for beer and jello shots. Driving myself straight into Royce’s arms to confront him about what Parker told me. 
    Just as I thought my key still works and the security alarm pin is the same. I enter the six-digit code in and walk upstairs to slip in bed with Royce. When I reach the top of the stairs I am just in time to hear the faint moans of a woman crying out with an, “oh yes.”  This isn’t my night . I turn too quickly on my heel and take a roll down the stairs.  “Fuck,” escapes my lips a little too loudly.  My plan to make a quiet escape without Royce knowing I caught him, and leaving with my dignity is an epic failure. That quick turn has cost me greatly; I can only hope I haven’t injured myself too greatly.
    Karma must be paying me back for all the times I have ever done wrong in my life, because my right ankle cannot bear my weight right

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