Awakened (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends)

Free Awakened (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends) by Emma Knight

Book: Awakened (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends) by Emma Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Knight
letting him know she was on for tonight.
    “I gotta go now!
He’s picking me up at 7 o’clock. I have to get ready!” Rachel said with a
    “Mom, I love you,
I’ll come visit you again soon,” she said.
    “I love you,
Rachel and I’m so glad you are back home and safe,” her mom said.
    “See you soon,”
her dad said. “I’ll be a few minutes behind you.”

    Rachel couldn’t
wait to go on her movie date tonight. It was her first date is a very long
time, and she couldn’t believe how quickly she was falling for Brian. She
couldn’t remember the last time she felt this way for a guy, and was happy to
feel this feeling again.
    She wanted to
impress Brian and had picked out the perfect outfit in her head; now all she
had to do was find it in all the boxes of clothes that were still stacked in
her bedroom. She hadn’t had much time yet to unpack all her things and hang
them in her closet, but she knew she had a super cute denim skirt from the Gap
and a scoop neck black metallic tee shirt from Delia’s. She rummaged through
the boxes until she found the two items and then put them on. She was actually
surprised that she remembered the clothes she had since apparently she hadn’t
worn them in a while. The weather was cold, so she put on black opaque tights
and her favorite lace up Dr. Martin’s boots. She knew she looked cool even
before she checked herself out in the mirror.
    Rachel heard the
horn beep from her driveway. She quickly checked her watch and saw that it was
7 o’clock. She knew Brian was downstairs waiting for her. She looked in the
mirror one last time, fluffed her hair, put on some lip gloss and ran
downstairs and out the front door, hearing it slam behind her.
    Then, she heard
her dad come running out behind her, “Rachel, don’t forget you need to be back
here by ten sharp. Not a minute later.”
    “I got it dad.
Goodbye!” Rachel said, feeling somewhat embarrassed that her dad ran outside
after her to remind her of her curfew.
    Brian rolled down
his window as Rachel got closer, “Hey Hun, lookin’ good!”
    “Hi Brian, thanks
for picking me up!” Rachel said.
    “You bet,” he
said. “Let’s get outta here, we don’t want to be late.”
    Rachel jumped
into the front seat of his Ford pick up truck and off he drove towards the
movie theater.
    “Cool truck!”
Rachel said, putting on her seatbelt and taking a look around.
    “Thanks, Hun, it’s
my dads,” Brian said.
    “Sweet, he let
you take it out tonight?” Rachel asked.
    “Yup!” Brian
said. “Do you have a car?”
    “Oh, well..I
don’t have my license yet, so no,” Rachel said.
    “That’s funny,
you’re almost 18 right?” Brian asked. “You should have gotten your license two
years ago!”
    Rachel thought
for a moment as he had just made a good point. She didn’t realize that not only
had she forgotten the past two years, she was now behind in many things.
    “Yeah, I just
haven’t gotten around to it yet,” Rachel, said, trying to dodge his question.
    “Well, if you
ever want a lesson, I’ll be happy to teach you. I have my senior license now,
so I can teach you and we can stay out past 9pm,” Brian said.
    “Really if you
have your junior license you have to be in by 9?” Rachel asked.
    “Yes, that’s the
rule!” Brian said.
    “Sounds good,”
Rachel added. “I’ll take you up on it sometime. Still studying for the written
    “So what’s
playing tonight?” Rachel asked, curious about the movie.
    “It’s a double
feature, not sure exactly what movie it is but it’s a horror and a comedy. You
like horrors?” Brian asked.
    “Sure, why not!”
Rachel said, trying to sound cool. She didn’t like horrors that much but was
just happy to be on this date that she would have seen anything.
    “I hate to sound
like a loser, but I have to be home by ten. My dad will kill me if I’m not!,”
Rachel said softly. “I hope that doesn’t mess up your

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