Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)

Free Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) by Miranda P. Charles

Book: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
huskily, eyes burning into her.
    She melted at Rob's gaze and touch. How does he do that? How can he stoke the fire in me with just a look, a touch?
    She sighed and lifted her arms to put them around his neck, letting her dress fall to the floor.

    Jessa moaned as Rob's soft lips touched hers. He held her tighter and deepened the kiss, making no effort to hide his passion. It wasn't long before she was beyond thought, allowing herself to get swept away by the tidal wave of need that crashed into her.
    They mated with their mouths. Their tongues tasted. Their teeth nipped. Their lips sucked. And they weren't enough.
    She was mindless, aware only of Rob's burning hands and lips on her face, her neck, her shoulders, her back. She opened her eyes when she felt Rob pull away from her only to notice she was already lying on her bed in her underwear. She watched with avid eyes as Rob unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. I wanted to do that, she thought as she drank in his muscular frame. She vowed to be quicker, take charge earlier, next time.
    Rob stretched himself on the bed next to her with his pants still on. "Do you have any idea how hot you make me, Jess?" he asked huskily as he ran a burning hand on her belly and raked her body with an eager gaze.
    "Show me," she answered with hooded eyes.
    His smile was brilliant. "With pleasure."
    He knelt above her, knees on either side of her hips. He leaned, supporting himself with his elbows braced next to her shoulders. His hungry mouth was insistent on her jaw, her ear, her neck, and it was burning her up. Then he moved downward and took on a more leisurely pace.
    His lips travelled to the valley between her breasts, leaving butterfly kisses along her skin. When he nuzzled her peaks through her lacy bra, she whimpered at the sensation, her fingers ardently combing through his hair.
    Rob slid her bra straps off her shoulders, one after the other, to expose her erect nipples to his ravenous eyes. He grazed his lips around them slowly, maddeningly, driving her crazy. She panted with desire as she arched and angled her chest to get a nipple into his mouth. Rob let out a soft moan before capturing a hardened peak between his lips, teasing it with his tongue as his fingers tweaked its twin.
    "Ohh, Rob!" Delicious currents of desire sizzled to her core, making her soaked.
    In the next moment, she felt bereft as Rob stopped, raised himself up and looked down at his crotch.
    She followed his gaze and impulsively reached for his belt.
    "Baby, no. Not yet," Rob said in a strangled voice, stilling her hands.
    She looked up at his face in surprise. "Why not?" She heard the whine in her voice.
    He smiled at her fondly. "Don't tempt me. Right now, I'm torn between setting my very uncomfortable cock free and keeping it on a leash. But if you take my pants off now, we'll be finished sooner than either of us wants."
    "Oh," her mouth formed a perfect O at his revelation.
    "God, you're so beautiful you drive me crazy," Rob ground out as he buried his face between her perky breasts. She noticed he still avoided contact of his lower body with hers. She was amazed by his reaction to her, but she wasn't able to ponder further when his lips moved down, erasing all thoughts but what he was doing.
    With impatient hands, Rob slid off her lace panties and tossed them over his shoulder. He parted her legs and knelt between them. He bent down to place hot little kisses on her thighs, moving upward until he reached his goal. "Oh, Jess, you're so wet," he croaked in an agonised whisper. He licked her sex lips, tasted her juices and teased her, avoiding that hardened nub that craved his attention.
    She whimpered. "Rob, please. I want … I want …"
    "Shh, baby," he crooned. "I know what you want. Soon, honey." Then he got up. This time he undid his belt and got out of his pants and boxer briefs.
    She wanted to help him with that, too. But she was so reeling with need she could only look at him, panting

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