Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)

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Book: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
interpreting the meaning of his heated look. He thought she was the cutest, most endearing woman he'd ever met.
    "I believe I have a job of showing you how hot you make me," he crooned in her ear.
    "But you're already hot without any help from me."
    He laughed as he started to nibble her neck and cup her breast.
    Jessa giggled. "Has it been a minute already? Have you recovered?"
    He took her hand and moved it down to his hardening shaft. "Uh-huh."
    Jessa's giggles died down as her focus went to what she held in her hand. "You did promise I could play with it some more."
    He groaned as Jessa proceeded to do just that.


    Jessa woke up to the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. Her bed was unusually warmer and she turned to the cause of it. She watched him sleep peacefully, content to simply scan his handsome features, imprinting them in her mind.
    Her stomach growled and she almost laughed out loud when she remembered they forgot to have a proper dinner last night. It was almost midnight when they both decided they were hungry enough for food. But since they weren't keen on taking the time to cook something, they feasted instead on the dessert Rob brought.
    Eggs and baked beans on toast sound like a tempting breakfast, she thought as she mentally rummaged through the contents of her fridge. She checked her alarm clock and was shocked to see how late it was. It was already ten-twenty. She'd never slept in this late, but then again, the night she just had was far from ordinary.
    Last night with Rob had been one of the most memorable of her life. It was a night she knew she would have great difficulty erasing from her mind. Not that she wanted to. She would never regret their time together, no matter how short it ended up being.
    Tears sprang to her eyes and she swallowed hard to push them back. She'd almost forgotten it, almost got carried away with the fantasy of Rob falling for her, but what they had was just a casual sex experience. Yes, it was a beautiful, touched-the-depth-of-her-heart connection, but still only casual. It couldn't possibly last.
    As much as she tried to deny it before, she'd sensed that Rob had become someone special to her. After last night, there was no question. She had fallen in love with him.
    With a sheer force of will, she pushed all thoughts of tomorrow from her mind, aware that if she let herself think about it, she'd end up bawling her eyes out. That wasn't an option with Rob still in her apartment. She'd give herself a good cry after he'd left. For now, she'd simply enjoy what was remaining of his time with her today.
    With a heavy heart, she moved to get out of bed. She was halted by a strong arm that snaked around her waist.
    "Where are you going?" a sexy, just-woke-up voice asked.
    "I, uh, was going to make us breakfast."
    "But what I want is right here," he said huskily, nibbling on her shoulder and pressing her closer to him.
    She smiled, his playfulness erasing much of her despondency. "Don't you want to eat some food?"
    "Oh, yeah, I want to eat all right. You're so delicious I want some more," he rasped.
    She swatted his shoulder, giggling. "You're terrible!"
    "Terrible? Well, then, you leave me with no choice but to prove to you again how much you love being in bed with me."
    And prove himself again he did.


    They managed to drag themselves out of Jessa's apartment and into a Thai restaurant five minutes' walk away to get some real food.
    Rob was glad Jessa didn't have any other plans for that Sunday. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with her before he had to leave for the airport later. Not necessarily for more sex, although he wouldn't mind having more of it, as he couldn't seem to get enough of her, but just to be with her.
    He watched her peruse the menu. Whether he wanted it or not, she had started to mean something to him. But where did that leave them? He lived in another state. He would only be in Sydney for four short months. He couldn't

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