A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2)

Free A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2) by Shyla Colt

Book: A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2) by Shyla Colt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shyla Colt
it’s good to be home. I set her down on her feet and reluctantly move forward to mingle. I want to wrap an arm around her waist and keep her by my side. But I don’t have the right…yet. The King chasers are eyeballing me like I’m a free meal. It’s been three years since I dipped my wick in anything. However, I’m not about to fuck myself out of my future by detouring with them when I know Blue is my endgame.
    “All right, church in ten minutes,” Stone bellows. “But first, we have something that belongs to you, brother.”
    My father, Reb walks out, holding my cut, and he gives me a nod of his head.
    I can’t help but feel I’m regaining a piece of my soul. I turn and ease my arms into the leather vest. Finally, I’m whole. The cut is more than a decorative article of clothing—it’s who I am.
    Harold ‘Reb’ Barrett then gives me a rare smile as he takes a step back.
    Stone claps me on my back. “Church. Afterward, we party.”
    I grin. I need a nice long night of drinking and shooting the shit.
    The meeting is short and sweet as they cram the highlights in and tell me to enjoy the weekend. Monday I’ll be back on the job, ready to do the Pres’s bidding at a moment’s notice.
    “Hey, Psych, can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask as the others began to pile out.
    “Yeah, man. I figured you’d want to at some point. Figured I’d let you have your fun first.”
    I pat his shoulder. “I appreciate it, brother. But I like to take care of business first.”
    “That’s why I like you, Shadow,” Psycho says, nodding his approval.
    It means a lot coming from a lifer. I grew up wanting to be like these men, and now that I’m among them, their praise and support is necessary. It’s almost like having a bunch of surrogate fathers.
    “You want to do this here or does the bar work?” Psych asked.
    “So, it’s personal,” Psycho says. He sighs and runs his hand down his face. Suddenly, his stoic and staunch face looks years older.
    I can see the shit with Calla is getting to him. I wait until the door closes behind the last person before I start talking. “Look, you know how Calla is. I tried with her. The shit that went down never should have, and while I won’t blame it on her completely, ’cause I should have been smarter about shit, I will say she had a hand in misleading me.”
    “Been wondering ’bout that for years. You ain’t the type to fall for her bullshit.”
    “No, but once Bolton came along, that was it. I had someone else to worry about. I tried to keep shit civil with her, but she didn’t want that. That girl lives for the drama. I did my best to protect my boy from it, but… He has his scars. I’m going to do my best to set him right before he’s out there as an adult. I think Blue living with me full time will help.”
    “My Blue is a good girl.” Pyscho’s lip turns up into a small smile.
    Somewhere an angel must’ve died. The gruff biker didn’t often show huge displays of emotion.
    “Yes, she is. That’s who I want to talk about.”
    Psych narrows his eyes. “Proceed with caution, boy. That girl doesn’t need to be fucked around. She’s no warm body or good time.”
    I hold my hand up. “I know that. Look, it’s always been Blue for me. I never wanted Calla. She knew that, too. I told her straight up. She only got as close to me as she did because she pretended to be her sister.”
    Psych’s nostrils flare.
    “She’s that vindictive, brother. You know I’m speaking the truth.”
    His jaw ticks. He blinks, and the killing light in his eyes goes out.
    I relax slightly. I’m getting through.
    “So you want to sister hop?” His voice is quiet; full of anger and gravel.
    I proceed cautiously. “No, I want to claim my Old Lady. I waited. I tried to get her out of my system. The shit didn’t take. Seeing her with this yuppie fuck killed me, knowing he might lock down what’s mine.” I grit my teeth and clench my fists. “I’m not going

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