My Misery Muse

Free My Misery Muse by Brei Betzold

Book: My Misery Muse by Brei Betzold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brei Betzold
day?” I asked.
    “It was fine, got some bass lines down, how was yours?” he asked.
    I shrugged, he was going to try to get out of telling me how his day really was, but I wasn’t about to let him get out of it that easily, he must of seen that on my face because he let out a groan then scrubbed his hand across his face.
    “Ok, who told you, and what did they tell you?”
    I had to smirk, “Drake called earlier.”
    “I asked him not to,” he growled. “Jaks wasn’t here for most of it; Sam talked Drake into taking him and going to grab lunch.”
    “I know Drake told me.”
    “Drake tells you a lot doesn’t he?”
    I simply shrugged at this.
    “I see both you and Xavier are whole and healthy so I am guessing Sam pulled you off each other before any real damage was done?”
    It was his turn to shrug, “Yea unfortunately, I still owe him a good solid beating though.”
    With that comment Xavier turned around and flipped him off; Seth picked up something off the coffee table and flung it at Xavier, yea all was well and good with them now. 
    “Hey Dev,” said Xavier.
    “Hey X,” I said in return.
    Seth laced his fingers through mine and started playing with my hair.
    “You couldn’t have had Seth give us some warning before he sprung his kid on us?” Xavier said.
    “I didn’t even know he hadn’t told you until Drake called me earlier about all hell breaking loose, and since when can anyone tell Seth anything?” I asked.
    Xavier just snorted then went back to his video game.
    “Hey, Alex,” I said and got no reply, Seth squeezed my hand.  Well that was normal, Xavier was always one to blow up fast, and recover quickly. Alex though, held on to a grudge like no one else.
    “Ok I need to get Jaks home so he can eat dinner and get ready for bed, you coming Seth or you going to stay here and get some work done?  I know you couldn’t have gotten much done with Jaks around.”
    “No, I’ll come,” he said. “We still working Monday?”
    “Yea, get over here sometime Monday morning, we’ll see what we have to work with,” said Xavier, “night Seth, night Dev.”
    “Night,” I said then looked at Drake. “You staying or going?”
    “I think I’ll stay we were talking about hitting a couple clubs tonight.”
    “Alright, don’t forget your car’s at my place,” I said leaned over, gave my brother a kiss on a cheek and gathered my son.
    “Can I drive the Chevelle?” Devi asked while I was buckling Jaks into his car seat. I had to roll my eyes at this, she had always wanted to drive my car instead of her own when she could get away with it.
    “Fine,” I said straightening up and shutting the door of her 4 door MINI Cooper, with the union jack on top, it was such a perfect car for her.  “What happened to your Mustang?”
    “I still have it although it’s sitting in Drake’s garage.  I got the MINI Cooper before I had Jaks, thought it would be easier getting a car seat into than my old mustang,” she said. “On weekends I sometimes get it and drive it when the weather’s nice and I can put the top down.”
    I leaned down and brushed a kiss against her lips “Take it easy on my car, woman,” I said then popped her on the ass for good measure.  In return she stuck her tongue out at me, turned and headed for my Chevelle.  I watched her climb in and turn it on, System of a Down came blaring out of the speakers, I shook my head at her and watched her take off towards her place.
    I got into her car, and looked back at Jaks in the rearview mirror, “Your mom is something else.”  He smiled back in return, at least we agree on something I thought.  I had found out today what a two year old during a temper tantrum looked like, not an experience I wanted live through again anytime soon.
    A short time later, I pulled up to her house, got Jaks out

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