Eagle's Destiny

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Book: Eagle's Destiny by C. J. Corbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Corbin
around my head and let out a deep breath realizing that I needed to get myself under control or I would end up whirling into outer space.
    He slid into the driver’s seat next to me.  The seatbelt was only a lap belt. 
    “This is definitely pony.”  I commented.
    Michael chuckled shaking his head, “You know all the jargon too!”
    “Like I said, I’m thorough with my research.  I love this car.”  I ran my hand over the dashboard.
    “I’m glad you like it.”  Michael was obviously thrilled with my reaction.  He started the engine and it roared to life.  “Ready?”
    I nodded, “Let’s do it!”
    The ride was exhilarating.   He accelerated a s we approached the highway which connected Mintock and Ashley.  It felt like we were flying.  The people in the cars we passed were checking out the Mustang and we received thumbs up signs from them.  Michael was in his element as we waved to the passing cars.
    We arrived at the restaurant too quickly.  I wanted the ride to go on longer and I think Michael did too.  He parked the car near the front entrance and I sat still allowing him to open my car door. 
    I took off the scarf while I waited.  As I stepped out of the car I asked, “How is my hair?”
    Michael grinned and pushed it back off my shoulders onto my back, “Perfect.  You are beautiful.”
    I concentrated on not blushing and this time I was able to keep the redness down.  “Thank you for the great ride.  I loved it.”
    “You’re welcome.  It was one of the three things I fought for during my divorce.”  As he looked down, a shadow crossed over his face.
    “And the other two were your girls?”  I asked quietly.
    He answered just as quietly, “And I would have given up the Mustang.”
    He took my elbow and led me to the entrance of the restaurant.  Since it was Saturday night, the restaurant was busy. 
    The owner greeted us, “Miss Elizabeth?  Mr. Michael?  You are together?”  He spoke in a wonderfully accented Italian voice.
    I gave Michael a surprised look, “How often have you been here, you’ve only lived in Mintock for two months?”  Mama Rosa’s was one of my favorite restaurants and I had known Caesar for years.
    Michael shrugged and Caesar saved him, “Oh Mr. Michael comes in many times with his lovely daughters.  I have a perfect table for you, but it is not ready yet.  A few minutes more.  Please go into the bar.  We have a new band, and they are good.  Dance.  I will come and get you.” 
    Michael found an empty table for us in the bar.  The cocktail waitress came over quickly and took our drink order. 
    “Sorry I was a little melodramatic in the parking lot.”  He smiled softly.
    “Don’t worry about that,” I said, “I understand completely.  I’ve been through it too.”
    “I forgot, Tammy told me you’re divorced.”
    I nodded, “Almost three years.  I’m still paying him alimony.”
    “Really?” he asked, “How long were you married?”
    I sighed, “Five very long years.  I wrote my first three books while I was married to Kevin.”
    “I take it you are a bit more successful than your ex-husband.”
    “You can say that . ”  I rolled my eyes.
    After the waitress set our drinks on the table, I took a small sip of the gin and tonic.  My nerves were jittery.
    The band was playing.  “Would you like to dance?” he asked.
    “Sure.”  I smiled in anticipation. 
    We joined a few other couples on the dance floor.  The band moved into a ballad.  He smiled his quirky smile that brought out his dimples.  He pulled me close and we started moving to the music.  Michael holding me provided a heady experience.  I felt my insides melting and hoped I would not pass out.  I recognized his cologne.  It was one of my favorites by Chanel.  I breathed in and quietly sighed.
    His mouth was next to my ear and I could feel his warm breath.  When h e whispered it sent tingles down my spine , “I’m glad you wore such high heels. 

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