Eagle's Destiny

Free Eagle's Destiny by C. J. Corbin

Book: Eagle's Destiny by C. J. Corbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Corbin
appealing.  As I lay in the boat thinking of Michael my stomach began to feel nervous and started to do flip-flops. 
    I concluded that it had to be hunger.  The fresh air made me hungry.  I maneuvered the boat quickly back to the cabin.  After lunch, I lay down to take a nap and the dogs cuddled up with me.  This was one of my favorite Saturday afternoon activities, especially if I had plans for the evening.  Since I normally woke early in the morning, I usually could not stay up past ten.  As far as I was concerned, naps were good and if I was asleep, I could not worry about the date.  Nevertheless, lunch and the nap had not cured the nervousness in my stomach either.
    After waking, showering and blow-drying my hair , I faced the big decision of what to wear.  It had been a warm day and would probably be a warm evening so I decided on one of my favorites, a dark blue spaghetti strap dress.  The bodice was tightly fitted with boning, no bra was necessary.  The ballet length skirt was wide and flowing and it was perfect when I slipped on a pair of dyed to match sandals with three-inch heels.  My hair fell down my back, and my curls were soft and relaxed after blow-drying.  My appearance in the full-length mirror made me smile.  There was a very feminine woman looking back at me . T he knock on the back door just as I was slipping small gold hoops into my ear lobes, brought me quickly back to the present.
    As I opened the door, Michael stood in the doorway.  My heart skipped a beat, my knees felt weak, and my stomach started the flip-flops.  My mother often told me about the same reaction on her first date with my Dad, and I always thought she was exaggerating. 
    Michael looked more than yummy.  Dressed in a black shirt open at the neck, he had rolled the cuffs of both sleeves up showing off his muscular forearms.  The shirt tucked into black dress pants that fit him well, all the way down to his black loafers.  In his left earlobe, he wore a small diamond stud.  I suppressed the urge to reach out and touch the earring.  Michael was one incredible looking man.  With my three-inch heels, I could finally look him directly in the eyes.
    Michael’s eyes showed an expression that was equally appreciative.  He did not have to say wow.  I could read it in his face. 
    “I see that you are all ready.”  He smiled with his deep dimples showing.
    W hen he took my hand in his, my heart was singing its own song of happiness since one of my fantasies for the evening was happening at that moment.  My hand was in his.  Michael’s hand was big, his fingers were long, and he held mine firmly.  My heart was not only singing but doing a dance too.
    “You might want to check out what we’re going to drive in.”  He led me to the back porch.  Parked there was a fully restored classic dark blue Mustang convertible.
    “Oh, wow!”  I said as I turned my attention away from his hand to look at the car.  The white top was down and showed the blue and white leather interior.  “This is beautiful.  It’s a ’66, isn’t it?”  I walked slowly around the car admiring each feature.
    Michael smiled, “You know Mustangs.”
    “One of my book characters had a ’65 Mustang.  I always do a lot of research.  Wow, wow, wow.  Did you restore it yourself?”  I asked.
    Michael looked proud, “It took me ten years and it was a labor of love.”
    “Let me go get a scarf and sweater.” 
    “I can put the top up if you prefer.”  He suggested.
    “Are you kidding?  And miss the thrill of riding in a convertible, I don’t think so.” 
    I went into the house to find a long white scarf and the little white cotton sweater covered in sequins that I didn’t have much occasion to use.  I q uickly join ed Michael back outside
    He opened the car door for me.  I felt his hand on the small of my back as he guided me into the seat.  Michael’s touch sent electrical charges through my body.  I wrapped the scarf

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