Eagle's Destiny

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Book: Eagle's Destiny by C. J. Corbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Corbin
It’s nice not to have to bend over.”
    I leaned back to look at him, and laughed.  His left arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close again.  The song was over too quickly, and when we made our way back to our table, Caesar was waiting.  Caesar led us to a table in a secluded spot.  The lighting was subdued as most of the restaurant was lit with only candle light that reflected off the white tablecloths.  A very romantic first date Michael had selected. 
    After telling us about the evening ’s specials, Caesar left us with the menus.  I breathed in the aroma surrounding me and could feel my hunger rapidly rising.  I ordered the smoked chicken ravioli and Michael chose the gnocchi.  Both of us selected the Caesar salad.  He ordered a nice dry Riesling, which would go well with our white cream sauces.
    “Well I’m impressed.”  He commented in disbelief.
    “About what?”  I looked a t Michael over the candle light, and his blue eyes were sparkling with the reflection.
    “Most women would never order a cream sauce on a first date.  I expected you to pick at a salad.”  His eyes continued to sparkle, and I noticed it was not just the candle light.  There was mischief in his eyes. 
    “I like food, but I don’t eat a lot wh ile I’m working.  I think you’re going to notice I’m not like most women.”
    “Oh believe me, I’ve already discovered that.  I haven’t figured you out yet, but Elizabeth you are unique.”
    I gave him a little smile over the candle light.  “And are you planning on trying to figure me out?”
    He laughed and leaned across the table, “Are you going to let me?”
    I leaned in also and looked directly at him.  “That’s where the anticipation comes in.”  I winked.
    He shook his head.  He reached for a breadstick and took a bite.  “You are being wicked.  I think you enjoy teasing me.”
    The waiter arrived with our salads and we dug in.  I encouraged Michael to tell me more about his daughters, and his face lit up when asked.  His pride in both girls was evident.  The girls’ personalities were like day and night.  Tammy was Michael’s tomboy.  She liked to roughhouse and would chase the dogs around the yard for hours.  She always had animals, the larger she got, the larger the animals.  Michael was surprised they did not have a horse already, although she had hinted at it several times.  Tammy loved to go hiking and camping with Michael, but the photography part didn’t interest her.
    Katy, the more sophisticated of the two was perfectly happy living in New York.  She enjoyed the city life and everything it offered.  Katy took to music very early on in her life and unbelievably her piano lessons were never forced.  She was the one always wearing the dresses and enjoying her dolls.  Exceedingly patient, she would look at her dad’s photographs offering praise and criticism.
    “I can’t believe that you let Katy move to New York all by herself.”  I said as the waiter was placing our pasta dishes in front of us.
    “No way in hell would I have let her go there alone.”  Michael said emphatically and then added, “My sister Christina , who we lived with for several years after my divorce moved to New York two years ago.  When Julliard accepted Katy, it was a natural decision.  She lives with Christina in Manhattan, although she doesn’t advertise that she lives with her aunt often.”
    I smiled, “What about tall, handsome, and thirty?”
    Michael pressed his lips together, “Oh him.  Christina promised she would keep an eye on the situation, but then I don’t totally trust my sister either.”
    “Why don’t you trust her?”  I took a bite of my chicken ravioli.  “Mmmmm…this is yummy.”
    “Christina is somewhat of the loose cannon when it comes to dating.”
    I raised my eyebrows in response, “Sometimes love takes all forms.”
    “Not with my daughters.”  Michael said as he took a forkful of gnocchi.

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