Bronto's Revenge: 2 (Barbarian Lust)

Free Bronto's Revenge: 2 (Barbarian Lust) by Jennifer LaRose

Book: Bronto's Revenge: 2 (Barbarian Lust) by Jennifer LaRose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer LaRose
wood intended for the huts.” He turned and walked off. “And I’m not dealing
with any jealousy issues from Birmon,” he yelled over his shoulder. “Nor am I
digging a lake for your two-headed serpent.”
    Wisteria and Ivy laughed but they clamped a hand over their
mouths so as not to garner his attention and draw him back.
    “Someone,” Vulcan added, “find that rabbit while I retrieve
my rifle.”
    All Bronto could say was, wow . Just wow. Not even
twenty-four hours ago they’d agreed to kill the critters, now Vulcan decided to
build them their own house. Though he had to admit, the little shits were
pretty damn cute. Bronto doubted he could actually cut their throats or plug
them with an arrow. If he couldn’t annihilate them, no way could Vulcan either.
    The man was completely, thoroughly and without a doubt
whipped. Bronto wouldn’t be surprised if Vulcan did return with a
shovel. Although Bronto wasn’t one to pass judgment. If Ivy asked him to build
her a palace, more than likely he’d ask her where to break ground. Thank God
she didn’t know what a palace was. After last night she sure as hell
deserved one.
    Standing in the yard surrounded by fellow tribesmen was not
the time to revisit episodes of last night . Damn. He shook his head and
looked at everyone but Ivy. Hell, if she so much as glanced at him now he’d
embarrass himself by popping a boner then he’d have to excuse himself politely
and flee into the forest. Of course he could just scoot her off to his hut and
make love to her again but it’d be rude to steal her away for his pleasure.
Besides, Wisteria would know his intentions, as well as everyone else present.
Well, Tyran.
    Every man dreamt of deflowering a virgin. Lucky him, he’d
now had two. But Ivy, oh man, Ivy was superb. Breaking through her hymen during
the onset of her climax was double pressure on his cock. He’d never felt a
woman come so hard. She’d really socked it to him. The constriction. And tug.
And pull. And grinding hips. And her juicy pussy. And her nails digging into
his skin. And her cries. And… Okay, enough. Forest time.
    Just as he spun, eyeing the quickest entrance and the most
confining section of the trees, a piercing scream breached his ears. He glanced
at Ivy and Wisteria first, making sure they hadn’t moved, then he shot around
and scoped the yard.
    Jade and Pearl stood near the supply hut, their eyes bulging
as they stared in the vicinity of the cooking pot. A long, green arm was
stretched at least twenty feet from the trees and snaked beneath the stone
table. Gnarly fingers had a grip on the baby dinosaur. Its mouth opened and
closed but Bronto couldn’t hear it chirping through the commotion starting to
take place. His gaze followed the arm to a five-foot-tall alien hidden behind
the crisscrossed branches of two evergreens exactly where the rabbit had
entered. The frigging things appeared to come in all sizes.
    Bronto instinctively reached for his bow but he was damn
near naked, let alone not carrying a weapon. It wasn’t often he was caught
without one. Unfortunately this was one of those times. He barely had time to
think when the children woke him plus grab his knife or bow. He wasn’t a
braggart about his archery skills but he was pretty damn proud of his proficiency
with a bow as well as a knife. A few days ago he’d knocked off a mutant by a
hurling his blade. Mutants. The aliens’ creepy, gone-wrong result in their
experimental attempt to mix human DNA with dinosaurs. They were harmless so far
but their patches of scaly, reptile skin and black, vacant eyes could frighten
anyone of sound mind.
    Nearly twenty men, all perimeter guards, fled to the area
but not a single one took action. Then a loud bang burst through the
yard. The gnarly fingers released the baby and the alien arm retracted,
springing into the trees.
    Bronto turned. Vulcan stood nearly two hundred yards away
near his hut with the Barrett aimed at the forest. That rifle

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