Free CHASING LIFE by Steve Jovanoski

Book: CHASING LIFE by Steve Jovanoski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Jovanoski
lit, snaking around the back of apartment buildings where residents hung their clothes out to dry. A cat darted out in front of Dave, and he heard people talking in the flats above him. Where the hell am I going? he asked himself. Overflowing bins emanated the smell of rotten food mixed with chemicals and detergents.
    There was no one around. He looked over his shoulder nervously but carried on anyway until he found what he was looking for, right at the end of the alley. A sign for The Base was lit up above a large black door with a red carpet leading to it. The front did indeed resemble an entrance to a club. He was familiar with this setting—Melbourne was renowned for its alley clubs—but he couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive.
    He entered cautiously and walked down the steps that took him below into the building’s belly. He opened another door and dance music blasted out. The venue was quite large and decked out with red lounge chairs within spacious cubicles. Rhythmic lighting beamed toward a small dance floor in the middle. A well-fitted and expensive-looking bar awaited him on his left and a DJ was elevated in a boxed area above to the right, bopping his head to the beat. Dave couldn’t believe this gem was tucked away in a stinky alley.
    When a busboy greeted him, Dave asked for Sam.
    ‘ He’s in his office. I’ll let him know you’re here,’ the busboy said, and walked through the back of the club. Dave, realising he was the only patron in the club, sat at the bar and ordered a beer. The barman kept him company while he waited for Sam. He was around Dave’s age and more than happy to join him with a beer of his own. The alcohol loosened Dave up, and his clothes were drying at last. Sam came out of his office and joined in.
    ‘ I’m waiting for my guy in charge so I can leave him the keys. We’ll take off as soon as he comes. How about another drink?’ Sam indicated Dave’s nearly empty glass.
    ‘Sure, I’ll have the same.’ Sam instructed the barman for two of the same and Dave offered him a cigarette, lighting one up himself.
    ‘ Can we smoke in here?’ Dave forgot himself and felt embarrassed for lighting up.
    ‘Not really, but this is Hong Kong , and I own the place,’ Sam said, taking the cigarette from Dave and shrugging.
    ‘ How did you end up here?’ Dave inquired. ‘It’s a pretty cool bar by the way.’
    ‘Thanks. I was an event organiser back in Australia, and I was bored with it. I had enough with the whole industry—it gave me the shits. My sister came here, and she told me about life in Hong Kong. She said, “There’s this bar I like. But I can’t get in. Why don’t you come and get a job there, then I can get free entry?” I was looking for excitement at that time, something new. I felt stale in Sydney, and I needed to discover the world a little. So, I took off in search of something new. I had no idea where it would lead me but here I am.’ Sam smiled and lifted his glass.
    ‘Just like that?’
    ‘Yep. Dealing with people was my thing, and it felt natural. When I asked them for a job, they made me a barman. I’d never handled drinks in my life. I shit myself. I learnt everything on the job. A couple of years later I started promoting. I developed contacts, brought more customers and more money and then the owner offered me a partnership. I had money saved up, and I went for it. Five years have passed, and I’m still here.’
    ‘A risky move.’ Dave was impressed.
    ‘Sometimes you have to take a risk if you want to get somewhere.’
    ‘It’s pretty quiet tonight I see.’
    ‘The crowd star ts coming in after midnight. It’s Wednesday today, but you should see it on the weekend. You can’t move in here then. This is a members-only club. We’re strict about who gets in.’
    ‘It pays to know the owner, ’ Dave said and Sam grinned. ‘So how is life in Hong Kong? What is it about this place that made you stay?’
    Sam looked down and creased his

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