Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2)

Free Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2) by Katie Lee O'Guinn

Book: Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2) by Katie Lee O'Guinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Lee O'Guinn
hurried down the three steps towards him, until she remembered he had dumped her for Charlie. Her face hardened as the hurt and pain Lash had kept at bay all afternoon, enveloped her, almost crushing the breath out of her.
    “What Zane? What can you even say to me?” she asked, her voice breaking with unshed tears.
    Zane held a shaking hand towards her, his face strained in agony. “Help me,” he said, sounding as if he were begging her.
    Sarah bowed her head, as tears began to slip down her cheeks. Her hands clenched at her sides, so she wouldn’t hold them out to him.
    “I thought you loved me Zane. But you never really loved me . It was just because I was a witch. Because if you had really loved me. Just me . You wouldn’t have fallen for the next witch you came in contact with. I get it. She’s prettier than me. She’s more stylish and confident. I get it Zane. You were just using me for some witch thrill until something better came along.”
    Zane fisted his hands at his sides and he was breathing fast. She watched through her tears as his face turned red and he groaned like he was in pain.
    “Sarah. Please . I’m begging you,” he said, his eyes pleading with her.
    Sarah shook her head in confusion and felt like screaming. “What Zane? What do you want me to do?”
    Zane took a shuffling step towards her and then bent over as if he were sick to his stomach, grabbing his torso, and wrapping his arms around himself .
    Sarah couldn’t contain herself any longer and rushed down towards Zane, putting her arm around him and leaning down to see his face.
    He reared back from her, gasping in pain and held his hand up, as if he were warding her off. Sarah moved away as her heart broke again. He didn’t even want her to touch him. She turned and ran all the way up the stairs. She flung the front door open and rushed to the kitchen, where she found Gretchen and Agnes arguing over a recipe.
    “Zane is sick in the front yard. He needs help. Just not mine,” she said, breathing fast and not meeting their eyes.
    Gretchen and Agnes, rushed past her, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

Chapter 7 - Flying
    She stared down at her hands and felt the electricity quake in streams through her limbs. She had to get out of the house. She hurried out of the kitchen, up the stairs and to her room, slamming the door shut. She flung her closet doors open and grabbed the sweats her great grandmother had bought for her along with her high tech running gear and Nikes. She quickly changed and pounded down the stairs, ignoring Zane, Gretchen and Agnes standing together in the hallway. Without a word, she flew past them and out the front door. She ran quickly around the side of the house and down the pathway to the beach.
    The closer to the beach she got, the more power she felt inside. It was almost as if the power of the ocean was calling to the power flowing through her body. It was so overwhelming she felt like screaming. She jumped over rocks and old weathered tree trunks as she raced along with the waves, going faster and faster until she felt like she could fly. She urged the power flowing through her body to her legs and let the power take over. She closed her eyes and felt like she was flying. When she opened her eyes moments later she found she was far away from the house. She glanced around and couldn’t see anyone or any other houses in view so she held her arms wide open and said the one word she’d been dreaming of saying for days. Fly .
    She took a leap and felt the air lift her body. The energy swirling inside of her and around her took over and melded into a perfect sphere of power, enclosing her in a womb of energy so perfect, that Sarah at last was able to let the pain and anguish of her first heartbreak loose. She lifted her head and screamed out her rage and disappointment and pain, letting the wail of emotion fill her and multiply, somehow emptying her and cleansing her at the same time.
    Sarah opened her

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