Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2)

Free Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2) by C.D. Gorri

Book: Cat's Howl: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 2) by C.D. Gorri Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.D. Gorri
and his buddies when she was just a kid.
    Man that was fun! She wished it were summer now. She could
use a funnel cake after the bomb Rafe just dropped on her. A bodyguard!
    She didn’t flinch when the bathroom door swung open. Nudity
was sort of acceptable for Wolves. Not that she paraded around naked, but there
were times during the full moon when she or other Wolves were nude before and
after the Change. Hey, it happened.
    “Liam is that you?,” she knew it wasn’t the youngest Wolf of
the house the second she inhaled. Oh crap! She fought the urge to duck
and cover.
    She was grateful steam from the shower fogged the glass
enough to hide her blush from probing eyes. Lack eyes to be exact.
    “Does Liam often come into your bathroom when you’re
    “What? No! Ew , no way! Why the heck are you in
    “Rafe ordered me to act as your guard for the foreseeable
    “Oh bullshit! I don’t need a bodyguard!”
    “Well, you got one.”
    “That’s just great, sunshine! But I’m pretty sure I can
handle things in here!”
    “That’s a shame, I’m an excellent backwasher. But if you’re really
sure, I’ll wait outside. And, uh, tell Liam to stay the hell out of your
    Cat flinched when he left the room, slamming the door. Was Rafe
out of his mind assigning Tate Nighthawk to her? Her brother could be a real
butthole sometimes. Ugh.
    She took her time in the bathroom. There was no need to rush.
Besides she was in no hurry to confront her new bodyguard.
    Cat thought about it. She didn’t have any work for the next
few weeks. Well, since that was the case, she was going to make the most of her
time off. Even if she did have Tate hanging around.
    “Seriously? 45 minutes in the shower? What were you doing in
    “Hey, you don’t need to stick around for me!”
    “Um, yeah, I do actually. It’s my job.”
    Cat rolled her icy blue eyes and tossed her wet bond hair
out of her face. She had pulled on a pair of black leggings and a long fluffy
    On anyone else it would have fallen to the knew, but on her
it stopped mid-thigh. The sleeves were oversized and the neck was large enough
to reveal one lean shoulder. She didn’t bother with a bra. Her breasts were
smallish and high enough on their own.
    She wasn’t into fashion, but she was something of a clothes
horse. Whatever body issues she had, she always could put just about anything
on and it sort of fell into place.
    She knew she looked okay, but she stopped being concerned
with how she looked in front of Tate a long time ago. This outfit was just
plain comfy. She was still tugging on a pair of knee high weatherproof boots when
she started walking down the hall.
    “Where to?,” Tate’s voice was deep and clear. She had to
work hard to mask the effect it had on her.
    “I was told you were going to shadow me, not badger me to
death with inane questions.”
    “Suit yourself,” Tate’s face betrayed no emotion. Still Cat
knew she was being rude. Too bad for him. She didn’t ask for his company and she
wanted that to be as clear as crystal.
    She headed towards her little convertible and stopped when
Tate turned her around with a hand on her shoulder.
    “If we’re going out, it’s best we take the box.”
    Cat rolled her eyes and followed him to the huge suped up
SUV parked alongside the driveway. The windows were tinted bulletproof glass,
there was a custom satellite hands free phone system, GPS, and a trunk chock
full of state of the art weapons for killing enemies of both the supernatural
and normal kind.
    He had dubbed it “the box” because of the bulky square shape
of the vehicle. Rafe ordered a dozen more of them based on Tate’s review. But
Tate kept the original. His opinion was important to Rafe.
    Cat had never driven one of these babies before and she
wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity. She hopped into the driver’s seat before
Tate had a chance to blink.
    He set

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