Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride

Free Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride by Imani King

Book: Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride by Imani King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Imani King
boomed across the room. I trembled, that warmth shooting through me again. I was coming to this fundraiser not as the hardworking woman I’d always been—but as the toy that a man had requested. And even worse, I was turned on thinking about John using me, throwing me up against a wall and fucking me. My body nearly went slack at the sound of his voice, and I had to hold myself up from falling against the table.  

    “Welcome, welcome. It looks like we have a lot of supporters who are showing their interest in a third party having something to say.”

    Cheers from the crowd .  

    “And for that I thank you. But most of all, I’d like to extend my thanks to the leadership of my campaign team, Kelly Hernandez and Sonia Mills. These women have been keeping me in line, and they’ve planned the whole damn thing from start to finish.” My mouth went dry, and I sipped at my water, the condensation cool against my fingers. I saw John pull a woman to his side, and my body went uncomfortably tight. She was tall, blond, and looked like she was clearly from one of Virginia’s big families. Just like John.  

    And so unlike me.  

    “And to the newest addition to our campaign family, Sabrina Madden. She’s actually been keeping me company for some of these events, and yes, the rumors are true. We are dating.” I nibbled at some of the green salad, trying to drown out his words. There were cheers and laughter from the audience. I cringed. What if this woman really was someone that he cared about? What if she really wanted to be with him? I finished my salad, barely paying attention to John’s voice. I felt the vibrations of his speech where I sat. Though I didn’t hear his words, his presence wound its way through my body. I shifted in my chair, glancing up at him, uncomfortable with desire. His blue eyes seemed to come to me from across the room, and in that moment, my consciousness narrowed in on him and only him. Looking at him felt like stepping into the great divide, taking a dive over a cliff. He held onto the woman’s hand and raised their clasped hands high above their heads. The audience went wild, and I felt that stabbing pain again.

    I pulled my eyes away and grabbed my purse.  

    I have to go. I have to not be here . I got up and ran from the room, my heart pounding. Tears stung my eyes, and I collapsed onto one of the benches in the hallway. If you’re smart, you won’t stay. You’ll walk away. No need to be here. Kelly’s got it under control .  

    I rose to my feet and started walking out of the lobby, my skirts swishing around me. My phone beeped, startling me and sending a visceral pulse through my body. I yanked it out of my purse.  

    I have an hour. Meet me in room 405 . I froze. How could he stand there with that lovely woman and then go backstage to text me? I’d known he would be here with someone else, but only then did it sink in. Even if she were just an image, he was using us both. Heat prickled at my eyes, threatening to become fully formed tears.

    “Fuck,” I groaned. “Damn that man.” I froze for a moment and then walked for the revolving door that lead outside. The phone beeped in my hand, the buzz sending a vibration up my arm.

    Please. I need you . My heart pounded, and I turned, walking toward the elevators.  


    I gulped as the elevator opened on the fourth floor. Of course, John had gotten the same room he’d had when I’d stayed with him before. I quaked with anticipation, stepping across the plush carpet and walking up to the door marked 405. For a moment, I paused, wondering if I could slip away. I raised my hand to knock, trembling and then dropping my hand down to my side. I stepped back for a moment, willing myself to turn back toward the elevator. But just as I started to turn, the door swung open. On the other side was John, smiling and holding a glass of champagne. He reached out and took my hand, pulling me into the room and letting the door slam shut.

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