Dating for Demons

Free Dating for Demons by Alexis Fleming

Book: Dating for Demons by Alexis Fleming Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Fleming
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
floor. Although, come to think of it, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Getting horizontal presented a whole stack of raunchy scenarios that he’d love to try out. And on that note…
    “You awake, Mina?”
    She chuckled but didn’t raise her head from his shoulder. “Yeah, awake, but I may very well be dead. I think you’ve done me in.”
    “And what a way to go.”
    He straightened up, widening his stance to stabilize his balance. His cock, still nestled inside Mina’s pretty pussy, suddenly twitched and made its presence felt. His blood heated and drove south, and Jedd detected the beginnings of a new erection forming.
    Well, that had never happened before. Only with Mina! He grinned and silently admonished his unruly dick not to be so impatient. Plenty of time for more of the same later. I hope!
    With Mina still hanging from his front, he staggered into the bedroom and bent over the mattress. “I’m about to drop you, babe. You ready?”
    “Aw, that means I’ll lose you.” She pushed her hips closer to him and buried his cock deeper.
    “Never. Not if I have anything to do with it,” he muttered as he allowed Mina to drop to the bed.
    He followed her down, sliding his arm under her head and snuggling her into his side. Damn, this felt so right, Mina here with him. He never wanted it to end. Then he grimaced. Lord Lucifer would cut his balls off for toying with her niece. Thing was, he wasn’t toying. Having this woman in his life was the one thing guaranteed to give him lasting happiness.
    Damn, he sounded like a wuss. Men were supposed to be strong—weren’t supposed to spout off about their feelings. Well, hell…if loving Mina made him a pansy, too bad. He could live with it, but he couldn’t live without her.
    His jaw dropped as he realized where all this introspection had led. How about that? He’d fancied Mina when she was a teenager. Wanted her like crazy when she’d turned up again to help him catch a woman. Now it came home to him that he wanted so much more, that she meant so much more than just a casual screw.
    “That was—”
    “Amazing. Wonderful. Soul-shattering,” he cut in. “The most incredible moment of my life.”
    “Yeah, all that,” she agreed.
    “Was I man enough for you? You’re not disappointed?”
    She rolled her head on the pillow so she could look at him. “Hell, no, you can be my number one man whenever you like.”
    He closed his eyes briefly and swallowed the lump in his throat. “You mean that?”
    This time she frowned at him. “Ah, yeah. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
    “Then how about your one and only man? Could you live with that?”
    Mina propped herself up on one elbow. “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”
    He nodded. “I was jealous as hell when those other incubi came on to you. I wanted to thrash the lot of them, simply for being near you.” Pausing a moment, he gathered his thoughts. “What I said in the living room, about not wanting to keep taking from women? I meant it, but not quite how it came out. I didn’t want to feed from anyone but you. Um, I wanted…”
    Mina pushed herself up to sit beside him, combing her tumbled curls back from her face. “Okay, Jedd, let me try to make this easier for you. How about I put my heart on the line first? I’ve hungered for you since I was barely old enough to understand the attraction between men and woman. That’s never changed. Oh, I’ve had relationships in the past with human men, but they all fell short when I compared them to you. I was angry as hell at you for your arrogant put-down when I was seventeen, but that didn’t stop me wanting you.”
    “And now? Are you prepared to see where this goes?” He held his breath as he waited for her reply.
    “Listen here, buster. I ever see you anywhere near another woman, let alone feeding from her, I’ll turn your balls into one of those swinging dice ornaments to hang from the mirror in my car.”
    Jedd burst out

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