Dragon's Heart

Free Dragon's Heart by Stephani Hecht

Book: Dragon's Heart by Stephani Hecht Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephani Hecht
would never be wearable again. Not that he gave two shits at the moment. All he wanted was to get Lester naked and under him, and that was exactly what Mick did—and in record time, too.
    As soon as he had Lester nude, Mick took a moment to pause and study the treat that was on display beneath him.
    Running a hand down Lester’s sternum, Mick said, “Do you know how much I love you?”
    Lester shook his head. “I don’t think you ever told me before.”
    “I love you more than life itself and when I saw you falling today, I think a piece of me died. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
    “I’ll try not to.” Lester took Mick’s hand and placed a kiss in the palm. “I love you, too.”
    A feeling of joy flooded through Mick, but that didn’t mean that he was letting Lester out of the fucking of his life. By the time he was finished, his mate was going to be sore in more places than one, and he would know for certain who he belonged to.
    But that didn’t mean there couldn’t be some foreplay first. Mick wasn’t all business—he liked his fun and games just as much as the next guy.
    Reaching down, he grabbed onto Lester’s cock. “What do we have here?”
    Lester groaned. “You know exactly what that is, you big tease.”
    “Why don’t you grab the bottle of lube while I play around a little bit?”
    Lester somehow managed to stretch his body to get the lubricant, all the while not dislodging his dick from Mick’s grip. Mick decided to reward his good behaviour by giving the head of Lester’s cock a few licks.
    Lester let out a cry. “Damn, that feels good.”
    “It’s supposed to, baby.”
    Mick snagged the bottle from Lester’s hand, opened the bottle and squirted some of the liquid on his fingers. He then returned his attention to Lester’s cock.
    Parting his lips, Mick slowly took in Lester’s length. At the same time, Mick reached under Lester and ran one finger over Lester’s tight opening. Mick rimmed it a few times before he slowly sank inside.
    Lester gasped, his body arching off the bed. At the same time, Mick sucked in and pulled back so only the tip of Lester’s cock stayed in his mouth. Mick then relaxed his jaw, taking all of Lester back in again as he thrust his finger in once more.
    Mick kept up the same pace, adding a second then a third finger. By that time, Lester was begging for release and Mick knew he had his mate right where he wanted him.
    After letting Lester’s cock slide free from his mouth with a pop, Mick removed his fingers then slapped Lester on the ass. “Get on your hands and knees.”
    Lester scrambled so fast to obey that he almost bumped heads with Mick. Mick quickly dodged the blow, then got into position behind his lover.
    After lining up his cock, Mick thrust in. “I love you.”
    “Love…you…too,” Lester replied, his words coming out broken because Mick was already giving him the pounding of his life.
    Mick knew he was being rough, but he couldn’t hold back. His dragon had taken over and it wanted its mate to know that he was being claimed. Mick grabbed Lester’s hips in a bruising grip as he all but fucked him into the mattress.
    Not that Lester seemed to mind, going by the cries of pleasure coming from his lover’s mouth. Lester was even thrusting back to meet Mick halfway, and his hands were fisting the bedcovers as he held on for dear life.
    “That’s it, Mick, give it to me hard,” Lester cried.
    Okay, that was a green light if Mick had ever heard it. He tightened his grip even more and began to fuck harder. A sheen of sweat broke out over his body and the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, punctuated by the occasional snarl or growl.
    Finally, Lester let out a cry that was louder than all of the rest and his body stiffened as he came, hot streams of semen covering the fancy purple comforter under him. The sight and smell was all Mick needed to push him over the edge, with one last thrust, he came too, his cock filling the

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