Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels

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Book: Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels by Nikki Pink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Pink
    Outside was a run-down looking panel van. I wrinkled my nose at it. Four-wheeled vehicles had lost a lot of their charm lately, and a rusty-looking van that looked to be older than me was most definitely not the kind of vehicle I wanted to be rocking these days.
    Lonnie pulled open the back doors. “Get in.”
    “ Can’t I sit in the front?” I asked.
    “ It’s full of shit. Sorry.”
    I began to climb in. It was filthy. I stopped for a moment. “Surely there’s room—”
    The Englishman ’s cold voice cut into mine, stopping me in my tracks. “I said, get in the fucking van.”
    What the hell? My head whipped back sharply, incredulous that he’d spoken to me like that. My rapidly turned head was met by an equally rapid slap which set my cheek burning and my mind reeling.
    “ What the fu—” My words were interrupted as his hand covered my mouth and he pushed me hard in the stomach, shoving me into the back.
    “ Hey!”
    T he van doors slammed shut.
    I considered trying to rouse attention by screaming and smacking the back of the van, but in seconds the engine had shuddered to life and it wasn ’t quiet. There would be no chance of anyone hearing me.
    Shit. Is Lonnie in league w ith the Doctor? What the hell is going on? Is Jase okay?

    The pickup finally pulled to a stop. The ride had been bumpy and despite the protection offered by his leather jacket Jase knew he he’d be bruised tomorrow. If he lived that long.
    Jase heard the two front doors of the pickup open and then slam shut, followed by the crisp steps of biker boots stomping across the ground. The footsteps came closer and then stopped. Uhoh.
    Silence. Jase ’s heart raced. Was the Doctor standing above them like an executioner, about to end them before he had a chance to act? He’d already agreed not to shoot them in the back of the truck, hadn’t he? But he’s fuckin’ deranged.
    Next to him Eag was breathing hard and fast with shallow breaths. He was terrif ied. But of course he should have been, there were a lot of people who genuinely wanted him dead right now.
    “ Alright fuckheads. I’m going to undo this tarp. Gauge is gonna tape you up. One move and I’ll turn your heads into a fine red mist.”
    Psycho. The sound of the rope being untied and pulled through the eyelets of the tarp was soon followed by blinding light as it was lifted away.
    “ On your knees.”
    The two men rose to their knees and shuffled to the back of the pickup truck.
    Gotta play the part or he’ll get suspicious. “Doc, please! I don’t know what’s going on, but—”
    “ Shut the fuck up!” The Doctor turned his attention to Gauge. “Tape their motherfuckin’, brother-killing mouths shut.”
    Jase looked into his friend ’s face as he offered his wrists forward. Gauge’s face didn’t flinch as he first bound their wrists, and then wrapped the tape around each of their heads several times, sealing their mouths shut.
    He knows I didn ’t do it right? Jase looked into Gauge’s eyes and could detect nothing. He’s going to go through with the plan, isn’t he? The Doctor didn’t get to him did he?
    “ Up, bitches.”
    Getting out of the bed of a pickup track with your hands and arms immobilized is just as tricky as it sounds. After watching Eag tumble out and avoid eating dirt only becau se the generous amount of tape wrapped around his head stopped it entering his mouth, Jase carefully climbed out, managing to stay on his feet as he did so.
    “ Walk.” The Doctor punctuated his command with a couple of hard jabs to the back from the business end of his shotgun.
    They headed around to the back of the trailer. A chill ran down Jase ’s spine as he saw the familiar oil barrel ahead. The one they’d used for target practice before their assault on the Mexican house, and the same one they’d later secured Carlos to.
    “ Sit down fuckheads.”
    They were directed to the oil barrel, and when they got to it the

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