Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels

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Book: Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels by Nikki Pink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Pink
Doctor gave them each a firm shove. As he fell to the ground Jase saw a mad glint in the eyes above him. He made some sounds from behind the tape as if he was protesting. In fact he was saying just you wait fucker.
    The Doctor and Gauge walked back a few yards. Gauge unslung his rifle and shouldered it pointing it right at them. I hope he’s aiming at Eag.
    “ Not yet Gauge. Wait for the boys.”
    Gauge spoke softl y, but his voice still managed to exude menace. “I know. I know. Just making sure they don’t decide to go for a run.”
    The Doctor patted him on the shoulder.
    They didn’t have to wait long. Soon the distant sound of motorcycle engines could be heard. A surge of excitement ran through Jase as he heard the rolling thunder approaching. The Doctor was pacing up and down in nervous excitement behind Gauge who stood steady as a rock.
    Jase shook his head to himself. He looks like a school kid who’s just been told that today, instead of his normal allowance he gets $200 to spend in the candy store.
    Soon the motorcycles came into view, a trail of dust surrounding them as they slowly growled their way down the unpaved track that led to Gauge ’s patch of land. Ahead of them, seeming to lead the cavalry, was the old panel van.
    The two captives sat in the dirt watching as what was left of the biker gang after their recent misfortunes pulled up. T-Bone and Bottle dismounted from their steeds, and a moment later Lonnie jumped out of the van. His face looked grim.
    Nicole must be inside. This was a problem. As Eag had explained to him earlier, he hadn’t had a chance to tell Lonnie what was going on. The night before Eag had gone to the clubhouse with an important message from Jase, explaining what was going on. He’d handed over hand-written letters, not wanting to risk causing a scene with the Doctor present. Jase himself had gone to the club Gauge was working security at; he didn’t think Gauge would believe anyone but him.
    But Lo nnie hadn’t been around, no one had known where he was. He’d been fully taken in by the Doctor’s plan.
    Jase winced when the Englishman yelled into the back of the van, “Get the fuck out.”
    A moment later a scared looking Nicole climbed out, blinking as she looked around stunned. Her eyes caught his.
    “ Jase!” she yelled.
    He looked on wide eyed, unable to do anything as Lonnie ’s hand swung through the air and smacked her across the face cutting her yell short.
    “ I told you before. Not a fucking word.”

    I didn’t know what the hell was going on. After the assurances Jase had given me the night before about handling everything things sure didn’t seem to be going right. I wasn’t supposed to be part of this.
    I tasted blood on my lip as I turned my head back from Lonnie’s blow. Bastard .
    A yell escaped from my lips as he grabbed me by the hair and shoved me forward. He started walking me to where Jase and Eag were sitting in the dirt. I looked down at him but he couldn ’t speak, his mouth covered in gray duct tape. He raised his eyebrows at me and shook his head slightly. What is that? An apology? Regret? What’s going on?
    Lonnie shoved me forward again as he released my hair and I fell onto Jase and Eag. My face landed in Jase ’s chest, my nose pushing into the leather of his jacket. I breathed in deeply, the scent of the leather reassuring me despite our precarious situation.
    I turned around and sat leaning against Jase, grimacing when I saw the rifle Gauge was aiming right at us. Next to hi m the Doctor stood, shifting his weight from foot to foot, a toothy grin on his lips that looked like he was having the time of his life.
    We sat silent in the dirt as Lonnie walked over to join the Doctor, Gauge and Bottle. T-Bone was lumbering over from t he truck. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my head, but it wasn’t from the heat. How the fuck did I end up here?
    When T-Bone finally reached the Doctor the former

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