Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels

Free Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels by Nikki Pink

Book: Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels by Nikki Pink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Pink
was on his lips. “Could do. But we don’t want holes in the bed of the truck, do we? Best to do it outside.”
    The sound of T-Bone ’s familiar before-speaking-cough came next. “And I ain’t scrubbing it out either.”
    The Doctor laughed. It was the kind of joyful lau gh one would expect a party or a wedding, not at the execution of traitorous club members. Surely someone else can hear how crazy he is?
    “ Guess so. He should be with his bitch anyway.”
    A chill ran through Jase. ‘ My bitch?’ Nicole? That’s not part of the plan.
    “ Oh shit…” Jase whispered to himself as his mind raced.
    Eag whimpered.

    Lucy leaned in conspiratorially. It was the first real chance we ’d had to speak since Saturday night. “Was it good?”
    “ What?” I asked.
    “ You know. The makeup sex!”
    One track mind. I smacked her on the arm. “No, we—” That was a weird night. Finding out about Eag, and the Doctor. And Lucy doesn’t know anything. Should I tell her?
    “ Bullshit! I know he came over.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “I told him to.” She giggled.
    “ Thanks.” I was thankful, of course, but not exactly for the reasons she thought. I guess my appreciation didn’t seem heartfelt enough though.
    She frowned at me. “What’s the matter with you? Has the sheriff been bothering you again?” She sounded exasperated.
    “ No it’s not that. It’s just… I’m still going through some stuff. Look, I’ve really got to hit the books.”
    She sighed. “Yeah, I should be in the library anyway. You coming?”
    “ No. I’ll study here.” Whenever we studied in the same place we never ended up getting much done. It was best if one of us stayed in the library and the other in the room. She knew that, but she always asked anyway.
    “ Later.”
    “ Later.”
    Just as I sat down I was interrupted by a knock at the door.
    “ Who is it?”
    “ Lonnie.”
    What is he doing here? Did Jase send him?
    I banged my head on the desk and sighed. “Come in.”
    The door handle twisted and in a moment he was inside. He smiled at me, his face beaming. I barely recognized him. He was wearing khakis and a buttoned shirt, an d his hair was neatly combed and parted. He could have passed for a student, and a preppy one at that. “You busy?”
    What does he want? I gestured at the stack of books on my desk. “Yep. Finals are coming…”
    “ Can you come down to the clubhouse?”
    Uhoh. This do esn’t sound good. “Why? What’s going on?”
    A look of consternation flashed across Lonnie ’s face before rapidly being replaced with his good-natured grin.
    “ Jase needs you.”
    I raised my eyebrows at him. “Yeah? Why?”
    He leaned in to me, as if someone could be listening. “I don’t know, but he said it’s important.”
    “ Does it have to do with the Doctor?”
    Lonnie gave me a quizzical look. “I think so.”
    Maybe he needs me to explain what Eag said. Testify. A shiver of excitement ran through me. What’s wrong with me?
    Al right, “Give me a couple of minutes to get ready,” I said, sighing as I looked at my books on the desk. This better be important, Jase.
    He frowned. “Five minutes. Let’s go go go!” He stood there looking at me expectantly.
    I raised my eyebrows at him. “Do you mind? I’m going to get changed…”
    He grinned back at me. “I don’t mind at all.”
    My eyes flared and he reconsidered. “I’ll be in the hallway.”
    After he’d left the room I quickly began to get dressed into something less collegy and more bikery. Off came the sweats, and on with the tight jeans and slashed t-shirt.
    Moments later we were scampering down the stairs. I hope this doesn’t take too long. I’ve got a paper to write. Thoughts were running through my mind a mile a minute. Had they ‘arrested’ the Doctor, or whatever it is outlaws do? Would I have to swear an oath on a bible? I giggled at the possibility. You’ve lost it

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