The Candy Cookbook

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Authors: Alice Bradley
grapes from bunch, leaving stems as long as possible. Wipe carefully, dip one at a time in fondant that has been melted by stirring it in a saucepan over hot water, and place grapes on waxed paper to dry. Serve in paper cases.
Creamed Strawberries
    Fresh strawberries
    Wipe selected strawberries, dip one at a time in fondant that has been melted by stirring it in a saucepan over hot water, and place strawberries on waxed paper to dry. Serve in paper cases.
Creamed Marzipan
    Almond paste
    Egg white
    To almond paste add egg white, a very little at a time, and work with a spatula until it is of the right consistency to shape. Form into small balls, press half a nut meat on each side of each ball, and dip in melted fondant colored and flavored as desired.
Creamed Marzipan Blocks
    Almond paste
    Grated orange rind
    Egg white
    Rose color paste
    Orange color paste
    Raspberry extract
    ½ cup sugar
    ¼ cup water
    Melted fondant
    Paper cases
    To almond paste add white of egg, a very little at a time, and work with a spatula until it is of right consistency to shape. Divide in three portions; to one add rose color paste to make a deep pink, and a few drops of raspberry extract. To another portion add grated orange rind and orange color paste to make a good color. Roll pieces on slab, with rolling pin, one fourth inch thick and the same shape.
    Boil sugar and water until syrup spins a thread. Brush pink layer of paste with syrup, cover with plain layer of paste, brush with syrup, and cover with orange layer. Press under a light weight, cut in cubes, dip in melted fondant, and serve in paper cases.
Glacé Nut Creams
    Glacé nuts
    Almond extract
    Green color paste
    Prepare glacé pecans or walnuts (see page 122 ). Flavor a small portion of fondant with one quarter teaspoon vanilla and a few drops almond extract, and color green. Make into small balls, and press between two glacéd nuts. Keep in a cold place, and use if possible the day they are made.
Nut Caramel Rolls
    Cut a sheet of Vanilla Caramel that is three eighths of an inch thick into strips three eighths of an inch wide and one inch long. Dip in melted fondant, and roll at once in finely chopped walnut meats. Candy, when covered with fondant, should be one and one half inches long.
Plum Creams
    4 canned plums
    Confectioners’ sugar (icing sugar)
    Maraschino cordial
    Force plums through a sieve, and add confectioners’ sugar to make a stiff paste. Shape in small balls, dry on waxed paper, and dip in melted fondant flavored with maraschino cordial.

When sugar mixtures are boiled to 242°F (116.7°C) and up to 250°F (121.1°C), and are not beaten after cooking, they are soft and waxy. When removed from the fire, they should be of the consistency desired in the finished candy. Longer boiling makes the candies too hard. Cream and corn syrup are used in the best caramels, and with different flavors, nuts, fruits, or marshmallow, the various varieties found in the shops may be easily duplicated.
    Nougatines are similar to caramels with beaten whites of eggs added to give a porous consistency, and usually nuts or combinations of nuts and fruits are used. Rice paper is put on the top and bottom of nougatines, and may be eaten with the candy without harm.
    Except in very cold weather, caramels and nougatines should be wrapped in wax paper as soon as cut, or dipped in melted coating chocolate or fondant.
Vanilla Caramels
    1 cup sugar
    ½ cup corn syrup
    1½ cups cream
    1 tsp vanilla
    Put sugar, corn syrup, and half a cup of cream in saucepan, stir until sugar is dissolved, bring to boiling point, and boil until mixture will form a soft ball when tried in cold water. Stir gently and constantly to prevent burning, making the spoon reach all parts of the bottom of the saucepan. Do not beat, as beating may cause the candy to become granular. As soon as candy forms a soft ball add another half cup of cream. Boil until it again forms a soft

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