The Candy Cookbook

Free The Candy Cookbook by Alice Bradley

Book: The Candy Cookbook by Alice Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Bradley
shape in small balls, putting a piece of nut, cherry, or marshmallow in the center of each ball.
    Melt another portion of Opera Fondant in a double boiler over hot water, stirring constantly. Add half a teaspoon of vanilla, and drop centers one at a time in the fondant. Remove with candy dipper or two-tined fork to waxed paper. When enough white bonbons have been made, add a little pink or green color paste and raspberry or almond extract to taste to the melted fondant. Dip more of the centers, stirring the fondant, and reheating it if it becomes too stiff. Then add to remaining fondant one square melted chocolate, and dip remaining balls. In this way a great variety of attractive bonbons may be produced. Other flavors and colors may be used for greater variety, and tops may be decorated with small pieces of nuts or cherries if desired. The centers may also be dipped in melted coating chocolate. White Fondants I, II, or III (page  75 −6) may be used instead of Opera Fondant.
Coconut Centers
    4½ tbsp sugar
    3 tbsp corn syrup
    1½ cups shredded coconut
    1 tsp butter
    ¼ cup water
    1 tsp vanilla
    Put sugar, corn syrup, and water in saucepan, and stir until mixture boils. Wash down sides of saucepan with a butter brush dipped in cold water, and cook to 238°F (114.4°C), or until mixture forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Remove from fire, add coconut, butter, and vanilla, and stir just enough to mix the ingredients but not enough to cause it to become sugary. When well mixed spread on marble slab or platter, and when cold mold into small balls and lay on wax paper. Dip in melted fondant or melted coating chocolate.
Coconut Bonbons
    Dip Coconut Centers in melted colored fondant, then roll in coconut colored the same as the fondant.
To Color Coconut
    Sprinkle shredded coconut on a sheet of white paper. Add a little color paste diluted with a few drops of water, and rub evenly through the coconut. Dry slowly, and store in covered glass jars. Colored coconut may be used on the outside of bonbons, creams, stuffed dates, and frosted cakes.
Marshmallow Mint Bonbons
    Marshmallows Fondant
    Oil of peppermint
    Ornamental frosting
    Cut marshmallows in two crosswise, and flavor each piece by touching the cut surface with a small wooden skewer which has been dipped into a bottle of oil of peppermint. Arrange marshmallows in layers in a box, cover, and let stand overnight. Melt fondant by stirring in a saucepan over hot water, dip each piece separately, lay on waxed paper, and when all are dipped decorate if desired with tiny flowers made by forcing ornamental frosting through paper tubes. (See Chapter XVI .)
Violet Marshmallow Bonbons
    Cut marshmallows in halves, dip in fondant flavored with violet extract and colored delicately with violet color paste. Put on wax paper, and decorate tops with a piece each of candied violet and angelica before fondant becomes firm.
Philadelphia Bonbons
    Dip bonbon centers made of Center Cream I or II (page 80 ) in melted fondant to which has been added chopped candied cherries, candied pineapple, nuts, dates, or figs, and drop on wax paper.
Fondant Acorns
    Maple fondant
    Blanched almonds
    Make centers of maple fondant the size and shape of small acorns. When dry dip in maple fondant, melted by stirring it in a saucepan over hot water. When all are dipped, beginning with the first one, dip the base again in melted fondant and then in finely chopped almonds.
    Plain fondant, tinted green and flavored with almond, may be used instead of maple fondant, and the base dipped in chopped pistachio nuts.
Creamed Fruits
    Candied fruits
    Put fondant in saucepan, add a few drops vanilla, and set over another saucepan of boiling water. Stir until melted, but not hot. Dip candied cherries, or pieces of candied pineapple, pears, or plums in the melted fondant, decorate top with a small piece of fruit, dry on waxed paper, and serve in paper cases.
Creamed Grapes
    Malaga or Tokay grapes

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