a specific hottie, now would it?”
    I shrug, pretending not to know what she’s talking about. “Maybe.”
    “All I can say is it’s about damn time!”
    “Nothing is going to happen, so keep your panties on.” I roll my eyes, trying to hide the smirk on my face. Nothing can happen. I’m just not wired that way.
    “Are we riding in the L adybug or mine?” she asks, grabbing her bag off the chair.
    “We can take L adybug. She fits better in the parking stalls on a busy night. Especially when drunk people can’t park.” Her head falls back as she laughs.
    “Sounds good to me!” I grab the keys and head out the door. I was eager to see Alex again. A part of me felt excited to see him. However, part of me was desperate to see Eric, too. Why hasn’t he come to see me yet?
    A million thoughts ran through my mind on the way to work. Was he with another girl right now? Who was that girl that showed up in the parking lot? What in the hell is wrong with me?
    I hate men.
    Why are they so frustrating?
    Why am I so frustrating…

    My mother tried to convince me that I imagined the whole thing. It was just a dream she’d say, not believing a word I told her. It was not a dream. That was a fact.
    It didn’t stop after that first night Aiden stumbled into my room. Night after night, he would tell me I needed to be punished for my sins. I didn’t scream. I didn’t run. He convinced me this was my only way to go to Heaven. You must pay for you sins, Laney he’d tell me…making me feel horrible for the things I’d done. What horrible things can an eight year old really do?
    I tried telling my mother again, and that time she became mad. Do not say that! Never say that, Velaney! It’s a lie. You will not ruin our reputation, young lady! That was more important to her than anything else. Everyone saw us from the outside and immediately thought we were the perfect family. What a cliché. There’s no such thing. And there never will be.
    Onc e I met Jake my freshman year of college, I had tried my best to let go. I really wanted to. I never kissed a guy before Jake. He was kind, sweet, and went at a slow pace. It wasn’t until two years went by that he started begging for more. I wanted to give in—but I just couldn’t. I wasn’t with him for the right reasons and he knew it.
    Carissa and I arrived at the bar, ready to defeat the mad rush that was already forming. Kenna and Julia were working as usual, completing our team of four.
    “What’s up , my bitches?” Carissa calls out, already appearing drunk.
    Kenna and Julia roll their eyes and l laugh. Carissa is loud and obnoxious, but she’s the best.
    “So , I hear you found yourself some nice man candy?” Julia smirks, looking directly at me.
    “ Ew, that’s my brother,” Kenna reminds her, displaying a disgusted look on her face.
    “Does everyone know about that?” I ask, embarrassed.
    “He won’t shut up about you, Lane. It’s annoying,” Kenna remarks, making me blush.
    “Really? I thought he was just being polite.”
    “Are you kidding? He doesn’t sit and talk to just anyone. The fact that you’re hot helps, but Alex is a genuine guy, Lane,” she says seriously, as she loads dirty glasses in the dishwasher.
    “I’m not even looking for a boyfriend, guys. You have nothing to worry about.” That wasn’t a hundred percent a lie, but the truth was I hadn’t been searching for a man in my life.
    “That’s exactly when it happens, Laney. Plus, it’s always best when you find something you weren’t even looking for in the first place,” Carissa chimes in, lecturing me as she always does.
    “I don’t know guys. I’d be a bad girlfriend anyway. Or whatever you would call it. I wouldn’t be any good.” That I knew was true. I could never be someone’s girlfriend again. Just the label itself sends shivers down my spine. I was an awful girlfriend to Jake. He gave me his whole heart when I hadn’t been able to give

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