Advertising for Love

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Book: Advertising for Love by Elisabeth Roseland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Roseland
Tags: Contemporary, cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
to relax. He licked her again, and this time, Aisha gave in to the feeling. Tingles danced up and down her spine as Greg’s tongue undulated, causing her to groan. The faster Greg’s tongue moved, the more her muscles melted, allowing the sensation to flow throughout her entire body. He then pulled back and replaced his tongue with the tip of his finger.
    “Take a deep breath, and when I count to three, I want you to exhale. All of it. Blow it all out. Okay?”
    “Okay.” Aisha found herself quivering in excitement over what was to come next.
    “Okay. Ready?”
    “Deep breath.” Aisha inhaled deeply and could hear Greg doing the same. “One. Two. Three. Blow.”
    Aisha exhaled, and as she did, Greg slipped his finger into her. She winced at the sharp pain, but moments later, a shock of pleasure formed in the small of her back and radiated down into her pussy. Greg slowly moved his finger in and out. “How does that feel?”
    She gasped, barely able to speak. She grunted out one word, “Good,” and pressed her face into the pillow, lifting her ass higher in the air. As he explored her tight opening, he took his other hand and spanked her elevated cheek softly. The two very different sensations made Aisha’s toes curl. She propped herself up on her hands and thrust her ass back into Greg. “Harder.” She hissed through her teeth, “Spank me harder.”
    Greg obliged, and the sound of the next spank filled the room with a loud pop. Aisha could feel the sweat dripping off her as she rocked her hips. Greg’s palm beat out a rhythm that awakened all her senses, and his probing of a newly explored place almost rendered her speechless. Although her entire body trembled with pleasure, she needed Greg to do one more thing. Her pussy was dripping wet and begged for attention.
    “Fuck me now.” Her voice was low, guttural, gravelly.
    Aisha struggled to speak. “Put your dick inside of my pussy now.” She hoped she made her instructions clear because she doubted her ability to continue to form coherent sentences.
    “Okay, one second.” Greg broke contact with her. She could hear him fumbling with the condom, and the tingles at the base of her spine began to fade away. Just when Aisha felt her frustration rise, Greg returned. He reinserted his finger without a warning, and she yelped. “Sorry. Are you okay?”
    “Yeah.” The erotic warmth massaged her lower back again. “But I won’t be if you don’t fuck me.”
    Aisha barely finished her sentence before Greg entered her. She moaned, sitting back forcefully on his cock. He thrust forward to meet her, inserting his finger deeper. Aisha gave herself over to the sensations as Greg continued his rhythm, and after a few minutes, she turned back to look at him. Greg’s brow furrowed in concentration, his eyes focused on her ass. Aisha titled her hips slightly, allowing for deeper penetration, and Greg’s gaze flew up to meet hers. She licked her lips slowly, and the look that flashed across his face motivated her to shift her hips even more, hoping to give Greg as much pleasure as she was feeling.
    Aisha smiled when his eyes rolled back into his head. “How does that feel?”
    “Good.” The sound seemed to come from the back of his throat. She threw her hips back again and again, and each time Greg was there to meet her with his hard cock. His rhythm sped up, and her eyes snapped shut as a noise escaped from her. It was thick, low and covered with lust—an expression of the two different, intense and completely complementary feelings that raced through her body.
    She could feel her orgasm approaching like an ongoing train. It screeched up her back, through her neck, and into her head while simultaneously exploding between her legs, and up and around her stomach, before flooding down into her toes. She lost the ability to speak, to utter any noise at all. Instead, she simply gasped for air, her chest heaving in and out, her fists curled

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