Shattered Innocence

Free Shattered Innocence by Alexis Noelle

Book: Shattered Innocence by Alexis Noelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Noelle
    Seriously? I can’t shut her the fuck up most times and all I get is a ‘yeah’.
Me: Well what the hell is it bitch? Time is of the essence!
    Damon and I are now walking through the parking lot.
    Lo: Hot dudes on horses with big ass swords.
    When we walk into the ‘main area’, the room is an oval shape and people are starting to fill the stands. When we sit down Damon looks over to me.
    “What do you think?”
    I have never lied to him, so I’m sure as hell not going to start now. “Honestly, I had no idea what the heck this place was. I texted Lo and all she told me was that there were, and I quote, ‘hot dudes with big ass swords.’”
    He laughs. “I have always loved this place and I thought it would be something different.”
    “It definitely is.” I smile at him, a genuine, unintentional smile. When the show starts, I have to say, I’m captivated. Not only is the show much better than I thought it would be, but the food is really good, too! By the end of the show I am in a position I never imagined myself. Damon has his arm around me hugging my body close to his, my head is resting on his chest, and we are laughing and cheering for a knight riding a horse.
    When the knight wins, we yell, and when I look back over at Damon, he kisses me. Not a passionate ‘I need you right now’ kiss, this is a tender ‘let me show you that I care’ kiss. It speeds up my heart, puts my body on high alert, and scares the shit out of me all at once.
    We walk out of Medieval Times holding hands and when we get to the car, I don’t want to let go. I reach out to open my door but Damon stops me, he turns me around so that I am now sandwiched between his body and the car, facing him. “Let me in.” His hand runs through my hair, and I instinctively lean into it. This is the second time he has said this to me and it’s getting harder to deny him.
    I don’t say anything. I can’t. I don’t want to let him in, but I know I am. Everyone I have ever let in besides Lo has screwed me over. Damon is dangerous to me but I can’t keep my distance from him. I can’t keep pushing him away, and I don’t want to anymore. I lift my mouth to his giving him a soft kiss.
    “Is that a yes?”
    I take a deep breath, trying to calm the emotions that are racing through me. “That’s an I’ll try.”
    “I’ll take what I can get.” He lowers his mouth to me, and I let myself feel him. I let his emotions invade me and crumble the walls I’ve built over the years. I feel lighter, like I can finally take a deep breath, a weight that I’ve carried for as long as I can remember is gone. I smile, realizing that I’m changing for the better, and it is all because of him.
    When Damon’s hands let me go I look into his eyes. He gives me one quick kiss, wrapping his arm around my waist, lifting me up, and moving me while he opens my door. I climb into the car smiling at him, and hoping this chemistry will always be there. Neither of us says anything on the ride to the hotel, I’m honestly scared my sarcastic bitchy mouth will ruin the mood.
    I think the fact that I am willing to censor my mouth around him says more than anything else. I think back to the time at the restaurant when Damon told me that I should respect myself more. I never care what people think of me, if someone doesn’t like the way I talk then they don’t need to be around me. With him it’s different, though, what he thinks about me is really starting to matter to me.
    I am so screwed.

Chapter Thirteen
    When we walk into the hotel room, the air is different. I am so nervous about what is going to happen. I know, a hooker nervous about having sex, go ahead and laugh. The thing is that tonight wasn’t just sex to me. I have finally admitted to myself that I care about him, and I have never had sex with someone and actually had it mean something.
    I walk over to the window looking out at the beach and the ocean, and trying to collect myself.

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