The Wellspring
    "It’s impossible,” she finally whispered.
“I’d do almost anything to visit Atlantis, but people like
me—aren’t allowed.”
    He waved a hand. “I’m Magus and if I say
you’re my assistant and I need you with me then you’ll be allowed.”
He continued to eat his lunch while she mulled this over in her
suddenly shattered mind.
    It was like a dream, a beautiful,
unattainable— Her happy thought blew apart like spent dust devil.
Unattainable for her, but Magus Teomond could wave his hand and
centuries of rules and barriers crumbled to dust. She was banned
from Atlantis by exactly the same kind of person currently holding
it out to her as if it was—easy.
    “It must be nice to have that kind of power,”
she bitterly observed.
    “It is,” he agreed without acknowledging her
tone. “I dislike being made to wait for things and it seldom
happens now,” he admitted, ignoring her dismay at his apparent
arrogance. “Let me remind you that I did not pursue you for what
you could do for me, it was rather the opposite and you may not now
be insulted by the very power and influence for which you stalked
me.” He motioned at her dish. “Finish your lunch and give me your
answer when you’re done.”
    Yule found it difficult to swallow her meal
along with her chagrin at his chastisement—which she accepted was
    “I just can’t figure him out,” she groused to
Hermes that night.
    “I never waste my time trying to figure out
other men,” he told her. “I make them waste their time trying to
figure out me.”
    “This isn’t the same thing,” she complained
as she wandered into the kitchen, fetched a quart of blackberry ice
cream and two spoons then returned to the sleek living room to sit
on the couch beside Hermes. “How can someone run so hot and cold?”
She pried off the lid then paused. “Maybe he’s bi-polar.” She
jabbed a spoon into the ice cream. “And he called me, girl !”
    Hermes accepted the other spoon and waited
until Yule was deliberating on a mouthful of blackberry sweetness
before he scooped out a spoonful and spoke. “I always thought he
was a serious piece of hot property, but you’re completely messing
with my fantasy and turning him into every other conceited jerk
I’ve known.”
    “That’s just the thing,” Yule contradicted.
“I don’t think he is a jerk. I’m not sure what he is, but
jerk doesn’t really cover everything.”
    “Condescending bastard?” he cheerily
    Yule grinned at that. “Maybe a little,” she
    “Just as long as you aren’t seriously
considering his job offer.”
    “The hell I’m not,” she countered.
    “I know that tone, Hermes, don’t start with
    “Sweetheart, you know I want what’s best for
you and Magus Teomond can’t possibly be it,” he argued.
    “To be perfectly honest, I’m not thinking of
Magus Teomond,” she admitted. “I’m thinking of three weeks on
    “Atlantis isn’t—”
    “Don’t tell me what it isn’t,” she
interrupted. “I know what it is . When normals dream about
amazing places they’ll never go that’s what Atlantis is to me.
Worse than that, it’s my home, my real home! When they say home is
where the heart is they’re talking about Atlantis! Even a no-power
loser like me can feel my heart beating in Atlantis! It calls to
all of us, but I’m not allowed to answer.”
    “Yule.” His expression softened and he set
aside the spoon. “You’re not a loser, and if he makes you feel that
way why would you want to spend any time with him, even if it’s in
    “Who said he makes me feel that way?” she
remarked quietly. “No, I don’t mean you!” she cried when she saw
the hurt expression steal into Hermes’ expressive dark eyes. She
set aside spoon and ice cream carton and threw her arms around his
neck. “You’ve been completely wonderful to me!” She kissed his neck
several times until he finally laughed

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